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Posts posted by Stitch

  1. Stitch, did you seriously link back to this thread? Your link is broken

    Please fix or do sumfink!

    Oops! The thread I was linking to was this one, the Disappointed with CMBN one.

    I also remembered one poster awhile ago making such a forum stink about the extra charges the pre-orders incurred being shipped from the US, that Steve offered an immediate buy back of the box right then and there. Perhaps that transaction went through and Steve now has that steelbox?

    Believe it or not, I was very hard pressed to find any CMBN complaint threads that a poster offered to sell the steelbox for what they bought it for.

  2. Agree, but please don't make another game install, if possible! My vote is for a single CM install covering all fronts, years and armies (all upgrades/patches and modules integrated)!

    Only in this way you can... conquer the World!;)

    Then we wouldn't get to play this CM:worldwide for another 3 years or so. :(

  3. So what you are saying is after Labor day they will Patch Steve back together.Am I reading this right?:D

    I hear it's wintertime in Australia now, and they're having a Christmas in July festival in Katoomba. If I were flushed with cash, I'd be skiing the Blue Mountains right until Labor Day. :)

  4. #3 is don't care if they win but yet they care on what they did to win or not?

    That's like not caring about success, but caring about the measurements towards that success. It's like an incorporeal entity caring about its high blood pressure and diet. It's like a kid's sport where everyone is given a trophy at the end. It's like mastering another language, yet never visiting the country that utilizes it.

    I think I'm a #3.

  5. The already-demoralized green exp'd hiding unit in a foxhole out in the middle of nowhere with no backup = a hopeless situation.

    That said, I have bad experiences with foxholes that were in a supported position and not out in no man's land. I experienced baby-sitting MG crews as they would break and run some 20m away in the open and cower. Foxholes seem to attract fire, and yet not mitigate damage by providing cover.

    Granted they are cheap defenses, but I'm glad they'll be getting a makeover in the first patch.

  6. but hey, you will only know where ONE of my tanks is due to this deficiency .. the others might be somewhere else .. honestly ;)

    Perhaps this is a bit of disinformation regarding the halftrack or jeep that ran thru the fence?

    Anyway, I can see it now, Xian shifts his axis of defense according to this bit of information, and Mike rolls in a company of armor from the other, more stealthy, AoA.

  7. I've had some 'wow' moments with AI spotting as I extensively play..err test WEGO mixed force attacks vs mech AI defenses, and most of these to my detriment with AT guns ravaging my infantry backed tankers.

    I will detail one such amazing moment, so amazing that I saved the replay.

    So I've set up my attacking force, put some Shermans on a farm road that is surround by trees. I press the red button to let the first turn pass with no movement on my part. By the end of that first minute, one of my just placed and painted tanks is destroyed.

    It seems that over 500m away, over 2 low bocage lines and through a forest of sorts, a regular crewed AT gun could just barely make out my tank (to be fair I found out afterwards that tank had reciprocal LOS) and shoot it twice in the first minute.

    I cried out "Spawn killer!" and rage quit...after saving the turn, of course.

  8. I will add to this confusion some of my observations.

    Hiding at its very core is just telling your squad to keep their heads down (go prone) more often than crouching and looking around. Hence, you can still spot will hiding, just at a reduced effectiveness. I will also surmise, that given all other factors (experience, etc), a squad will fire on enemies in their target arc whilst hiding at a reduced effectiveness, the caveat being that while prone they can not see the target in the arc.

    Being that the squad behavours of spotting and firing are no longer abstracted, each pair of eyeballs (height and facing) do make a difference on how many guns you can bear on a target.

    I use the short cover arc tactic extensively for scouting. The team will spot objects further out than their range for sure. However, they may not spot that AT gun in the bocage line immediately, so the decision on how long to keep the scouts stationary is up to you. I've had previously unseen targets show up a minute or two later after laying still at my OP.

    Nothing gives away a position like fire arms flash. This is why many scouts die so fast to be made useless. As this works both ways, if you are in a hurry, you may want to send some expendable 'bait' out to entice the enemy to reveal themselves to the scout.

  9. So, if the infantry is modelled correct as Steve says, maybe the tanks are spotting to good?

    Last night I had a Panther probing light woods for a known enemy MG position. It was trading occasional fire with some of my infantry in nearby buildings. The Panther arrived less than 20m from where I knew the MG team was, and I stopped it there for fear of possible enemy AT capabilities further in.

    I waited for over a minute there, until the MG team broke and ran, and then the tank fired upon it.

    In this case, I do not think tanks spot too good.

  10. I am mostly happy with the QB set ups and how it is accomplished. The two small suggestions I have is:

    1) Having the keyboard delete button mapped to the delete action button on the UI

    2) Having some sort of selection save so I can take a favorite force selection for a certain map size and type ready to go in a click.

    Other than that, I can commend everything else in that process.

  11. In a different game I was calling some fire on a possible enemy approach from the opposite side of a town. My Company CO (who was making the call) had key hole LOS between buildings to the woods where I wanted the fire to land. Trouble was he could see just bits and pieces of the area not the whole target area and certainly he did not have good visibility around the target area. The spotting rounds were long and to the left. I watched them land way off. I guess I could have checked with the targeting tool to see if he could see where they landed. I believe that he did not see them land because after several spotting rounds - which were all off target the FFE was called and the full barrage came down on the long and to the left location near where the spotting rounds landed. I could have called it off but since my fire was speculative anyway I let it go.


    Last night I had a similar experience. My FO called for a 81mm off-board med/med mission at a Victory location from over 600m away. With the LOS checker, I could see that the view was spotty at best, but I managed to get an area target established.

    The FO remained immobile and unfired upon for 6 minutes before the spotting rounds came in, which was about 100m to the left and out of the FO's LOS. Not wanting to waste more time calling in another more accurate fire, I adjusted the mission and reset the original area target of my mission. After a minute more of waiting, the FFE came down accurately on where I initially wanted it to fall.

    It appears to me, that if the spotter can see both the mission area and the spotting rounds clearly and not be interrupted, there's a good chance for an accurate FFE without further user intervention.

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