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Posts posted by MagicKoji

  1. Hi,

    I just update Empire of steel to the newest version. And I'm just getting crash after crash everytime I try to start a game. Everything works well until I hit OK on the first two cities to get the game started. It's crashed the last three times that I've tried. The map resolution was 3800x3000. if I started with a smaller map, say like 1200x1200 with repeat edges... the map showed me my two cities repeated three time across my screen. which didn't look right. So that's why I went with the bigger map. I had 5 Ai's. and island size set to medium. Other than that, everything else was defautl...

  2. Another possibility is that the unit-images could use more of the 64x64 space. I know some of the unit-images I'm using don't use-up the full space. I might be able to figure out some clever code-tweaks that could minimize memory use. For example, off the top of my head - loading a 128x128 image, clipping the image down to the used area of the image, then resizing that to exactly 64x64. That would keep memory usage down by keeping images within 64x64 while maximizing image quality in that space.

    Hi Brit,

    I understand the limitations of memory, but like Emmeth said, most people I believe have more than 2gb of memory. if not more. I have render some images of what I would like to use for my mod. And you can really tell the difference between the two sizes. And I believe you need the extra space you have around it, since the units have to rotate 360 degrees. If it was just a counter, then you could get away with just having a profile.

    also, is there a way to take a poll to just see how much memory people have. Because I know I'm not the norm, but I have 12gbs on a windows7 x64 machine.





  3. Uhhh... unless Brit messed something up in the patching process and it no longer works, planes could do patrolling without much problem.

    Select a plane, use CTRL+rightclick to give it a path for your patrol. Make sure it can get back to base after it finished all your orders. When you're done setting the path, click the Repeat Orders button above the main map area (the yellow "recycle"-like button). Your plane should repeat the route you've given it every turn thereafer.

    Be informed though that there's been some erratic behaviour here in the past. Sometimes the planes refused to repeat the orders (the repeat orders button was pressed on the next turn but the plane had no orders anymore). I don't know to what extend this had been fixed.

    Yes I know about the patrol. But what I meant was to be able to give planes a search pattern to eat through the dark and mysterious haze that surrounds my world. :)

  4. I was wondering, since you can give ships multiorders. can you give this ability for planes. as an example. I would have a plane based at a city or airport, and have it do a systematic search in a 360 arc. Going from the city to the outer flight limit and back, instead of just having one order per turn. Can I give it multiple orders to do this search.


  5. I know this sounds a little crazy. But I was looking at the images of the units. And well, I'm amazed at what you did with 64x64 pngs. But I was wondering, if there is any possibility that the game could use larger images say like 128x128. And that the game engine can zoom them in our out of them. I will put some example images up later this evening. Of the mod I would like to try to do.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work :)

  6. Right now, there is a possibility to adding new units, but it's not very user-friendly. I plan to add a user-friendly interface to this before I say it is "available".

    If you want to start messing around with new unit images right now (before the full user-interface is available), what you can do is go down into the directly structure. Go to "\Data\Images\Units". You'll see a bunch of directories there, one for each unit-image. Go into "UAVHeliBomber" and you'll see "_ImageDesc.unit" and 17 image files. The 17 image files are 16 rotations of the unit + one image ("UAVHeliBomber-r10-c.png") where the UAVHeliBomber is centered in the bitmap, white background, no alpha channel. The "_ImageDesc.unit" file is just text. You can open it up in Notepad. The file is very small, and the parts you're interested in say:



    The ImageBase tells the game the base-filename for the images ("UAVHeliBomber" is the first part of the "UAVHeliBomber-r00.png" filename). The OnSelectSound tells what sound to play when the unit is selected (those are files inside the "Data\Sound" directory).

    So, if you want to add some new unit images, you can use UAVHeliBomber as an example. All you need to do is add a new directory with your own name - e.g. "\Data\Images\Units\SuperTank". Copy the "_ImageDesc.unit" file to the directory, and create images following the same format as in the UAVHeliBomber directory - 16 images (32 bit png) + one centered, white-background, no-alpha image. Then, create a ruleset (you can start with the one of the existing rulesets). The image will automatically be included in the unit-images list. There's nothing in the game that causes it to load-up only my specified unit-images. This will at least get you started building some new unit images. It will work fine on your own system.

    Things get a little more complicated with animated units, like tanks and infantry, so I won't go into it right now.

    There are some problems if you try to upload your own ruleset to the game-server or try to play a multiplayer game with someone else using your ruleset, though, because it will reference unit-images that do not exist on their system. Once I get the full unit-image system working, it will handle these complications.

    I'm unsure on a timeline for the full system. Maybe a month or two until the full system is implemented, but it also depends on other issues that I'm working on.

    wow. Thank you for the information. I will check it out. Because I have been itching to make some new units. Might as well make use of my 3d background. :)

    Thank you.

  7. Sorry I don't agree. I think it's fine the way it is. Probably because I rarely pick money.

    it doesn't matter. if you don't pick it. Because the way I described it. It only matter if you don't have anything else picked, and since you say you don't pick money. Then it won't affect you at all.

    Since it would be the default, and if anything else is picked it would over ride it.

  8. I think if you could have the city default to produce money instead of having to pick produce money. It would lessen how many click you have to do.

    For example. say I have a city that is currently producing money. Well I just researched a new cool building, but for me to build it on that city. I have to deselect the money making, select the new building and then reselect produce making. And I have to do this for every city that is producing money.

    So if a change was implemented that made Producing money the default, unless you have something else selected. It would make doing the building upgrades so much easier.


  9. I made a custom map at 3200x2600 with 5 AI opponets. and at around turn 71 it pop out a out of memory window. and crashed out. Started over with smaller map, and same opponents and it crashed 4 turns later.

    this is not very good. I wish in the beta we had a chance to try out the different settings... then we might have caught this before it shipped.

  10. I was on the beta like a lot of people here. But we never got to change the map... And let me say... I was tired of that map. Almost to the point that I didn't want to play the game anymore.

    So first thing I did was make the biggest map I could just to see. 4000x3200 with 5 AI's.

    well so far it's not working. it popped up what do I want to build twice while in the background it keeps saying Processing Data and is stuck at what looks like 65 percent.

    So I would say that this is a bug. Because if you offer a way of making a map that big and it doesn't work. Well then it's just broke.

  11. they declare war, i've had it happen a dozen times. It's just that the player is typically the one rushing to war.

    Really because I just played a game into turn 297 and the ai has yet to declare war on me... I've researched everything and have tons of money...

    I guess he's just to scared to attack. :)

  12. How many games have you played?

    How long have you played in turns ? I played a game where the AI [sole player] had a biplane whilst I was on Zeppelins. I stomped him turn 95 and he surrendered 96 and I found his economy and expansion was very poor.

    I've played about 10 games. all the way into the 250 turn ranges... and I have yet to see an air asset being used by the AI.

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