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  1. Hi thanks, yes I have those packs and I've started playing thru the allies v. axis on the EF in the order that you put together - having trouble with Directive #3 at the moment and just checked and found this is only the 5th scenario of 157! obviously i need to leave work immediately! cheers
  2. great, thanks for that info Der Alte Fritz - I keep seeing references to the big crash - it must have been a shocker - I'll now do searches on mod name etc for other ones i can't find by author - thanks again for the tip, cheers BTW thanks for the scenario listing and the mystery vehicle mods which i'm using - great work.
  3. Anyone know where I could find these mods (usual google searches not helping)? SDOG_WINTERWATER2 SDOG_WINTER_TREES SDOG_HIRESTRESS SD_DARKH20 On the CMMOD site they only appear to have Strontium Dog's splash screen but I saw a reference: http://webtest.famigliaricci.it/cmcc/Stand%20Alone%20Mods/Mod%20List.html to these other mods by him and they look very good (I think they might be on the Special edition disk but I don't have that). Thanks,
  4. Many thanks Umlaut for your quick reply - I shall stop my investigations and get on with playing the game instead! btw i should have said that the MikeyD mods are extremely good and i can put up with this mirror effect!
  5. I've installed most/all of MikeyD's mods but while the tanks have a correct readable turret side number and/or writing the other sides have the exact mirror versions which obviously don't look realistic - is this correct?? or am I not doing something that I should be?? any help welcomed - thanks
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