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Posts posted by ade670

  1. I play mostly against the AI - so, ok it doesn't think like H2H - I guess it will never match up to a human oppo.

    I tend to play against a defending AI - I enjoy the game blind, however it would be great if there were several AI plans and a random was selected at the start of the game. Just a few in the data base would give the scenarios more replay value I guess

  2. Mjkerner,

    Hey, that works nicely, cuts down on time for sure, never tried that before!!

    for me, in many of the meeting engagements, I want to control when the shooting starts - but I suppose that level of micromangement depends upon how you play the game - basic global settings - as Wodin suggests - would still be my preferred option

    Thanks for the heads up - will use your suggestion for now !!


  3. Came looking for a solution to the same issue - 'my kingdom for a hold-fire ability'

    The set arcs is the only way I know and I have always found it clunky - lots of units to have to click through and set.

    I remember the John Tiller Campaign games where you could set global options like attack distance (short medium or long) for each basic type of unit (inf, arm, soft vehicle)

    Would be a great addition to have something more substantial than set fire arcs


  4. I have been trying different methods in this scenario and still cannot get a win!!!

    These are my main points that seem to work.

    1. Observers plus HQ in the shed area works well - good field of vision

    2. Left hand bridge + push up that flank is best way of gaining ground.

    3. Apaches are good at clearing HMGs and also the recoiless at the back

    4. Snipers are useful for supressing HMGs when advancing platoons

    5. Fire support can advance up left flank at speed and adopt an overwatch allowing troops to move under supressing fire

    6. use Recce troops to gain a foothold just before bridge - mortar fire is good for clearing troops out of the building.

  5. Guys,

    I have a problem with CMSF. I am about 10/11 missions into the campaign and now suddenly the mission fails to load. It either gets stuck on 2% or CTDs.

    I have decent enough specs. These are;

    64bit vista ultimate

    Quad Core 6600

    Nforce 750I Sli

    4gb Ram

    9800gtx+ latest driver

    plenty of space on my HD.

    All of the Quick Battles and scenarios load so it is defo not the suggested problem of no Ram in another thread.

    The Game is ace- can anyone help


    Also looking for online play if anyone interested.

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