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Posts posted by PanzersEast

  1. I am also thinking of purchasing this game. I saw it today in Best Buy, and almost bought it. But the lackluster reviews prevented me from doing so. I have all the Combat Mission games. They are all very awesome, but it would be cool to have something with a bit better graphics and in realtime--not the clickfest realtime.

    Now I'm not a wargame grognard, so I'm curious how this game is holding up. There doesn't appear to be a lot of buzz in the forums.

    Don't let the reviews hold you back.... I have made the plunge and don't regret it. It is realtime, however i pause the game often to assess the situation and react. There is a level of micomanagement, however it is not bad at all, in fact it comes in handy.... this being it gives you a huge advantage over games like this is I can order 1 soldier instead of an entire squad to do a task.... for example I ordered 1 soldier to crawl up near a MG emplacement and use his grenades.... this is an awesome site to behold as I did not have to assault it and lose most of my men.

    There is a lot going on, however the main thing you have to use is the pause button and tactics!!!..... if you forget those, you will get the floor wiped with you. To each his own, the demo is a pretty good feel of the game and I recommend downloading it and having a look.

    I plan to develop some missions later own.....


  2. Uhhhh.... i think this is the wrong forum to be posting in.

    Well.... this is the Theatre of War forum and I am thinking of purchasing it or Shock Force if ToW is not worth the purchase. I just want to get some advice before I jump in and buy Theatre of War because I figure with Theatre of War 2 coming out, it is as it is. ;)

  3. Guys, I followed this game and then left after a lot of negativity surrounding the game. I have now come back after much of the regurgitated hex games these days and I am wondering where we stand and what are your recommendations?

    I have read through the forum and I know there are some oddities still with the game, however knowing how to plan accordingly is true with all games. How is the replay ability and does it have or still have that draw you in and is immersive? Do you enjoy it over all? I am on the verge, however maybe just need to hear from a few before I go ahead!

    Should I purchase or just get Combat Mission: Shock Force

    Thanks for the feedback in advance.

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