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Posts posted by mikeCK

  1. I think we are also missing the airforce' concentration in the development of stand-off munitions such as Jasm as well as the general accuracy of JDaMS dropped from high altitude. CAS no longer needs to be from an aircraft low over the battlefield. It can be from a B-1 at 50,000 feet or an F-35 10 miles behind the battle launching a GPS guided standoff missile

    That is primarily the reason that the US has not really made an effort to keep up with mobile AAA...air superiority, stealth and standoff munitions (along with high altitude JDAMS) mean that many aircraft won't need to be in range

    Of course, helos are different but with new upgrades to hellfire models and info sharing, the AH-64 doesn't have to even be able to see the target

  2. I rewind and re-watch a turn 3-4 times so I can see all the action. I only replay a turn (with new orders) if I legitimatly forgot to do something (I forgot my infantry platoon in the woods that I wanted to move). I Will also replay of I have made such a catastrophic mistake that the match is basically over. The latter is a cheat but makes it more entertaining. It is a game and supposed to be fun right?

  3. I didn't say the M1 was invulnerable. The anecdote I am referring to occurred in the 2003 war and involved a tank that had been immobilized (hit in the rear buy a Recoil-less rifle and later had to be destroyed) Frontal shot failed to do the trick. That's all. Man, people get so defensive. And yes, I'm sure a maverick would penetrate the "famed armor". Big difference between a maverick warhead and a kinetic round at over 1 k

    Haven't seen the new ammo or armor tested against eachother so we don't know. All I know is that off all the M1s lost to enemy fire, the crew survived in the vast majority. Of course, none were killed by a kinetic round as far as I know.

    Also, I have never said the turret armor or sides were impenetrable... Nor the frontal armor...just that the frontal armor is a very tough nut even with DU.

    This is for the M1a2 but not the SEP

    M1A1HC, M1A1HA, M1A1D

    Against Kinetic Energy

    (in mm of RHAe)


    800 - 900


    560 - 590

    Lower Front Hull

  4. Was there a point when you didn't have this problem or has the terrain always appeared black for you ? Does this happen in all scenarios/quick battles or only certain ones ?

    Which specific driver do you have, 175.19 ? Which Windows OS are you running, XP or Vista ? If Vista, which flavor (i.e. - 32bit or 64bit) ?

    What options do you have set in CMSF's Options panel ? What settings are you using in the Nvidia control panel's "3D Settings" portion ?

    Is your game modded with different terrain graphics ? Is this copy of CMSF the Battlefront version or Paradox or Gamersgate (?) versions ?

    Running Windows XP

    New drivers (I dont jnow specifically...just went to the invida site)

    Options: doesn't matter. regardless of video options, its messed up w/ 1.08 patch.

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