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Everything posted by Dano13

  1. Thanks for all the responses! Some specific questions I have - Is there a way to select a MASS of units? As it is I can only select like 12 or so and I find this incredibly annoying. What IS the best way of handling a HUGE force? I tried the Germany campaign and really fumbled with the huge number of infantry I was given. Are all the battles this big?
  2. Hi There, After reading about the uber-patch and the battle generator, I took the plunge and bought this game. I tried the German campaign but found that it was way too difficult controlling so many units at the same time. So I used the Battle Generator and was quite pleased out how easy it was to use, and its stability. So I created a mission with 1 squad and an AT gun, (all Elite) vs 3 squads of regular germans and two armoured cars. I was impressed with how the AI fanned out its units, thus limiting my ambush plans. What I was NOT impressed with was the following 1) All of my units were hidden behind trees/bushes and holding fire. Suddenly, from afar, the enemy started firing at one of my units. How could this happen? I thought if you stayed put, and held fire, a unit could only fire at you if they got within the Green zone of the targeting arrow. 2) How the heck can you tell WHO is being fired upon? I had no idea until my Machine gun crew dropped dead. It sure would be nice to get a report from the targeted unit saying "Taking Fire" 3) One of my snipers who were told to hold position was doing really well dropping the enemy. I told him to attack another unit, and suddenly he started crawling OUT of his bush hiding place, and crawled out into the open towards his enemy! WTF? I am pretty sure I said Hold Position, and even if I didn't why in the WORLD would you crawl toward someone with a sniper rifle when you were told to attack them? 4) On the topic of Campaigns, I have a whole screen full of units but for some reason when I lasso select them all - only a small segment is selected. I definitely must be doing something wrong here ... trying to move a mass of units with mutually exclusive multiple selects is a nightmare. Please Help! I really, REALLY want to like this game since it could be exactly the war game I am looking for (I hate the resource collection of Company of Heroes) ... but the above frustrations are making me pull my hair out Thanks! Dan
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