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Treadhead Martin

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Everything posted by Treadhead Martin

  1. Looks like I spoke too soon on the driver update. I'm not getting told that I have an invalid INF file. Below is the dump from the OpenGL Extensions Viewer Renderer: GDI Generic Vendor: Microsoft Corporation Memory: 1772 MB Version: 1.1.0 Shading language version: N/A Max texture size: 1024 x 1024 Max texture coordinates: 0 Max vertex texture image units: 0 Max texture image units: 0 Max geometry texture units: 0 Max anisotropic filtering value: 0 Max number of light sources: 8 Max viewport size: 16384 x 16384 Max uniform vertex components: 0 Max uniform fragment components: 0 Max geometry uniform components: 0 Max varying floats: 0 Max samples: 0 Max draw buffers: 0 Extensions: 3 GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture GL_WIN_swap_hint Core features v1.1 (100 % - 7/7) v1.2 (12 % - 1/8) v1.3 (0 % - 0/9) v1.4 (0 % - 0/15) v1.5 (0 % - 0/3) v2.0 (0 % - 0/10) v2.1 (0 % - 0/3) v3.0 (0 % - 0/23) v3.1 (0 % - 0/8) v3.2 (0 % - 0/9) v3.3 (0 % - 0/9) v4.0 (0 % - 0/13) OpenGL driver version check (Current: 1.1.0, Latest known: 1.1.0): Latest version of display drivers found According the database, you are running the latest display drivers for your video card. No ICD registry entry The current OpenGL driver doesn't expose the SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows (NT)/CurrentVersion/OpenGLDrivers registry entry. Unable to detect the driver version, driver revision name and filename. No hardware support Your current video configuration DOES NOT support hardware accelerated OpenGL. No compiled vertex array support This may cause performance loss in some applications. No multitexturing support This may cause performance loss in some applications. No secondary color support Some applications may not render polygon highlights correctly. No S3TC compression support This may cause performance loss in some applications. No texture edge clamp support This feature adds clamping control to edge texel filtering. Some programs may not render textures correctly (black line on borders.) No vertex program support This feature enables vertex programming (equivalent to DX8 Vertex Shader.) Some current or future OpenGL programs may require this feature. No fragment program support This feature enables per pixel programming (equivalent to DX9 Pixel Shader.) Some current or future OpenGL programs may require this feature. No OpenGL Shading Language support This may break compatibility for applications using per pixel shading. No Frame buffer object support This may break compatibility for applications using render to texture functions. Few texture units found This may slow down some applications using fragment programs or extensive texture mapping. Extension verification: GL_EXT_color_subtable was not found, but has the entry point glColorSubTableEXT
  2. I've now successfully rolled back to the 10.3 Catalyst drivers. However, when I try to start the game, I get the following error: "Could not initialize OpenGL graphics. Please update your OpenGL drivers."
  3. Ok, looks like I've been able to roll back to driver version 8.563.2.1000. However, now I'm getting the following error: This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)
  4. I'm showing the same ATI Catalyst Install Manager version, and driver version 8.632.1.2000
  5. I was able to reinstall CMSF with all modules, successfully licensed them, and upgrated to v1.21. I'm still getting the same crash. I don't think I've been successful in rolling back my catalyst drivers to version 10.3. In the "Programs and Features" dialog shows that the ATI Catalyst Install Manager is version 3.0.765.0. I'm going to take a shot at uninstalling the drivers again and see what happens.
  6. Well, I've learned the lesson about unlicensing first... Now I'm just waiting to hear from the DRM manager on a new license so I can try a reinstall. Could you ping him on status?
  7. Well, I tried rolling back to to the ATI Catalyst 10.3 drivers, and I got an invalid OpenGL error message. I then tried uninstalling an reinstalling. However, the uninstall did not successfully uninstall my licenses. I'm now trying to reinstall the game, but am being told that all my licenses have been used. I've opened a ticket with Martin (DRM Manager) to have an additional installation authorized for my laptop.
  8. I've been able to eLicense all three products. The game starts, and I'm able to start campaigns. I'm able to start a battle, but at random intervals (usually 5-10 minutes in), the game crashes to desktop. In the process, the display freezes, and the hard disk spins for several minutes. My settings are: Display size: desktop (1400 X 900) Vertical Synchronization: off 3D Model Quality: Balanced 3D Texture Quality: Fast Antialias/Multisample: Off High Priority Process: Off ATI Left Click: On
  9. I'm trying to run CMSF with both Marines and British Forces using the latest patch, and am getting crashes to desktop. I'm running Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on a Lenovo T400 with an Intel Core2 Duo P8700 at 2.53GHz. This machine as 4GB of RAM, and a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400. I've installed the latest ATI drivers (10-4_vista64_win7_64_dd_ccc_wdm_enu). I have some long flights coming up, and would *LOVE* to get this running on my laptop.
  10. I am unable to get this mission to load. Suggestions? I'm able to view the briefing, but when I hit "OK", nothing happens. Mouse still moves around, but no loading... I've let it sit for 10 minutes, and nothing. Suggestions? I'm running v1.11.
  11. Can I change my request from DPICM to smoke? It would seem less controversial and quite useful. OpFor seems to use it quite regularly.
  12. Back in the early 90's I was an Artillery officer, and even then DPICM was the round of choice. The vast majority of what we fired in Desert Storm were this type of round. Will DPICM show up in the game? Currently, when I do a call for fire, I always feel like I'm using a Viet Nam era asset on a 21st Century battlefield. While these will be of limited use with heavy armor (probably delivering damage optics and the occasional mobility kill), they should be great a chewing up APCs and dismounted infantry.
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