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Everything posted by reto

  1. I am yes, It might have gotten better yes . But some visual makrings would be helpful for them as well. Of course bf doesn't want to create a terminator-view of the battlefield ... so too many visual hints would probably bad. But some help to see elevations would be great!
  2. Moon: Yes I agree, moving the camera around is powerful, but still, it's much more difficult to see small hills than it is in the real life. And about the preparing thing, what I was tryign to say was that the commander there has a real plan of the area, with contour lines and everything, not just plain normal pictures. Having such a map would already help, it wouldn't have to be laid over the real view (although this would be cooler ). Perhap its a similar problem with the trenches, they dissapear when the cameare is farther away then a few metere (about 50) and aren't seeable anymore. It would be also great if the engine could plot them a simple mapish line to still be aware of them.
  3. Hi Guys The Marines module is a big leap forwards, the game just makes more fun – don't ask me why exactly, but it's really cool to see how you guys progress with your improvements! There's one thing I missed from day one: good simple visual helpers. The most important one being something to help identify small height changes in the terrain. Be it contour lines (thats how they are called in english, right?) like on a real map, or just a simple greenish grid laid over the map. Best would be if the grid/lines could be activated using a hotkey and perhaps a small button somewhere in the gui. With today's GUI I always have to get very low to the ground to even be able to identify small hills and valleys or to be able to judge if a given unit can cover a given area. If you think this makes the game too easy I have two suggestions: 1. only activate it in <= veteran mode (thats the one I play *g*). or 2. create a detailed in game map which has good contour informations (like a real map for an officer) which could be activated somehow. The second helper which I would like very much would be a LOS identifier. Press a button, and the map gets colorized by LOS according to the current mouse position, this would be very cool, but also very powerful. Perhaps too powerful, not sure. Because a command on a real battlefield wouldn't have something like that – on the other hand, in the real world a good commander would prepare himself much more than we can (and want to), by studying the map over a longer time, and by having a better vision then we do. Dunno I personally really miss the visual helper for the terrain of the map, the LOS thing isn't that important. But I'd love both! Cheers, and thanks for the cool game Reto
  4. Look guys, you either agree with a certain point or you don't. Both is fine, but don't mock others because of their opinion. I personally don't have a big problem with the briefing screen, but I guess it could have been made a bit nicer in general. Cheers, Reto
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