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Posts posted by Gdtrfb

  1. Due to the fact that this games absolutly kicks ass....I think it would be awesome to see a Korean war campaign where the US and NATO fight China N.Korea and USSR am i just mental or does anyone else think this would be cool?

    Also a World War map with a Global conflict based in this timeline would be an awesome treat imho...anyway i hope one day this happens and Mr.Cater once more Bravo Zulu on an outstanding game!!!!

  2. Mr Cater i apologise for my wrong info the unit in question was 6 before the combat 4 after the intercept.....anyway all im trying to say is it would be nice not to have my weak carrier air wing on interdiction missions or units id like to refit next turn could there be a way to put them in "sleep" mode so they wouldnt do anything unless directly attacked? just a question as the game is pretty kick ass imo...

    anyway keep up the great work sorry to bother you

  3. Just wanted to say thanx for responding....but i must say that if the axis have took Saudi,Iraq and Eygpt then they should be able to use the loop...Imho that only makes sense.Also it would be nice to have the ability to have control over which fighter unit escorts or intercepts the enemy unit as more often than not it seems to use a 4 strength unit that is closer versus a 10 strenght unit that is one whole tile farther away....just a thought maybe not a good one tho!

    keep up the great work on an outstanding game!

  4. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss....thanx for the mod bro....wish i had the skill to pull off anything like that...keep up the great work!!!!

    any chance your going to do a Honch job on Russkies are comin?anyhoo im losing game time soooo thanx once more for a great mod! I blame you in advance for my lack of sleep/productivity this week...lmao thanx once more.

    [ May 23, 2008, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Gdtrfb ]

  5. To be honest ya cant go wrong as these games are all so friggin awesome....WAW has som scens that PDE dont and has a diff map...but i would recommend both that way you get the most for your gaming dollar...support your local genius (H.C)

  6. Woooooohoooooo.....cant wait thanx for the update...not to be pushy but....when is the e.t.a?....after playin storm of steel i kept sayin to myself wasn't there a port/city/town there? as allways wish you the best luck and keep up the outstanding work!!!!!

    p.s goin to get some visine so my eyes dont bleed this time when i play like 20 hours straight!!!!!!

  7. Thanx for your response....your usually so on top of things i thought ya were just ignoring me..lol...also on storm of steel the naval loop from Persian gulf to Red Sea dont work left a unit there for 10 straight turns and still did not move...worked fine in Russkies are coming tho..also if Patton is dead in 47 shouldnt Rommel etc be just a thought as many of those generals were whacked out/suicide after war

    anyhoo thank you once more for an absolutly brilliant game and keep up the great work!!!!

  8. Just wanted to add after seeing a decision event that Franco had been whacked out by the russians

    when Spain joined the allies still had Franco as their HQ .....little stuff i know but the games so good all i got to bitch about is little things...lol..any hoo keep up the great work!!

    customer for life!!!!

  9. Just wondering if the USSR was supposed to be attacking the UK's convoy lanes a full 3 turns with impunity before declaring war on UK....seems kinda unfair if so...also seems kinda like the US would have had at least one or two subs in the atlantic ...anyhoo great work on an otherwise brilliant game. keep it up!!!!!

  10. Also a wicked large drop in morale for Axis forces but maybe a small boost in prod times to duplicate the oh Sh*t we got nuked we better get a move on .....also think the option should only be once a month at most twice a month due to the insane amount of resources that these weapons used up...anyhoo keep up the great work when someone buys my other lung i will buy PDE but pennies tight right now 1 car broken valve spring other car water pump dead....wat a fukin week lol

  11. Good idea as it seems the RN was petrified of Bismark/Tirpitz gettin in the convoy lanes ....also british subs sank like 450,000 tonnes of axis shipping in the med....is there a way to have this put in ...perhaps an Axis convoy from Tripoli to Italy....i dont know just rambling....or maybe a random script when transporting troops across from Italy?...anyhoo just some thoughts might not be good ones tho...

    keep up the kickass work!!!

  12. Honch i agree with your feelings on AA its not like AA ammo was scarce or anything..lol but i digress i had changed it to 2 and it seems fine, also gave ea major country 1 at beginning...except US....also gave Axis 1 destroyer ea as this is more historicly acc....gave US 2carriers,2Battleships,2 cruisers 3 destroyers in 44 with 2 ea armor/inf/para/corps/arty to simulate US full industrial output......wat ya think? i play as Axis tho ...anyhoo keep up the kick ass work!

  13. Honch.....what a brilliant job...playin on hard...locked in a brutal struggle in russia(Dec41)UK fell but after a loooooong fight...luv this mod keep up the kick ass work!!!!!cant wait for PDE ....also think AA should have 2 strikes just like the bombers that way u cant send in a scrub air unit then follow up with bomber strike with impunity...just a thought might not be good tho!!!anyhoo once more kudos for a brilliant job!

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