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El Hombre

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Posts posted by El Hombre

  1. I set up a new scenario, this time with a long range component (700-900 meters).

    At those distances, the marksmen WILL pick off targets and the M4s won't shoot. That happens as long as you don't hide your troops. Not giving orders or any target order will create this behavior.

    That's good. But the veteran US marksmen suck. One hit out of over 50 bullets shot from 5 snipers. And the syrians had absolutely nowhere to hide, most of them hitting the dirt and staying stationary.

    Also the US troops were at the top of 8-story buildings on a 100m hilltop. The range as told by the targeting line was around 750 meters for most of the shooting.

    One thing that I still wonder is how to make only the marksmen shoot at a range below that of the max effective range of the M4.

  2. I just made a new scenario, with a few sniper teams and their headquarter groups.

    At 300+ meters everyone opens up including the M4s, whether it's in target, target light or target arc. If I keep them hidden they all hide, otherwise they all shoot.

    I confirm Guardsman's problem.

    Incidentally, the funny thing is that when they all opened up in the sniper squad, the return fire wiped out the marksman first. Great! smile.gif

  3. So I installed, upgraded, crashed a million times, and finally switched to my mac laptop. Anyway, CMSF is working.

    I went through the training and three missions of the main campaign, and here are some of the nagging issues that I have. Maybe someone would like to comment on them (I'm not discussing the good stuff, there's a lot of it).

    First of all, in large enough maps such as the airbase one (mission #3 I think) it'd be really good to have a visual indicator telling me "hey, this unit over there is under fire". I know, I should be playing turn-based and I'm not (which is something I'll fix right away).

    Second, speaking of the airfield map, it would be good to have feedback on the accomplished objectives. There's a short audio/text notice when you do something, but it would be good to be able to refer to it at any time. In the airfield map, I thought I'd secured the special forces building. After all, I had 5 squads in the building, and they'd criss-crossed it many many times, up and down. I played the mission twice and twice I had a minor victory due to not securing that building.

    Third, it would be good to know how one should blow up a building. Again in the airbase map, how the hell do you blow up the massive special forces building? By the time I get there my MGS are out of 105mm ammo (or almost out) and the mortars and apaches can't bring that thing down.

    The briefing says to destroy it though. How do I do that?

    Fourth, as was said in many other posts, the AI has many problems (as in all games), but the one I find most frustrating is how easily the AI abandons a pinned squad. When a team dismounts from a stryker under fire, the first thing the stryker does is run away instead of providing covering fire. It makes it really tough to assault buildings by driving up to them and using the stryker as support as well as defensive position.

    Funnily enough, I have been quite happy with the behavior of the assault teams right outside and inside buildings. It's tough going and keeping casualties under 20% is next to impossible, but that's the cost of urban fighting (and of course it's tough to model all the additional US capabilities such as breaching charges, flashbangs, etc... but I think somehow the US teams should be strengthened inside buildings).

  4. The ATI person is not the original poster who had an nvidia card. So clearly the problem is not the type of video card.

    Incidentally, I had the same CTD happen to me upon firing, but in general they were totally random.

    Anyway, I couldn't solve the problem on my computer, whatever I did (changed drivers, tried all sorts of settings, etc...). I switched to my laptop to play and absolutely no problems there. Frustrating.

  5. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    Do you have AA of VS turned on in the game options? When I turn it on, it causes problems. So I just turn it off and change it in the nvidia video panel.

    Yes, I've done all that, with and without SLI.

    I either get CTDs (without error messages) or complete freezes requiring reboots.

    I think it's time for me to give up on playing the game on this computer.

  6. This has become totally ridiculous.

    I downgraded to 94.24, then to 93.71.

    In all cases I get CTDs without any errors, totally randomly. My last crash was in the first battle of the training campaign, 30 seconds into the game as the soldiers were entering the strykers.

    Anyone from battlefront has seen these issues?

    The computer works perfectly well with any other game, it's not an overheating or power or RAM problem.

    Let me add that I bought the game via download in case this matters.

  7. Okay. I had just reinstalled the game and reapplied 1.07. I think it had a problem the first time and didn't get properly applied.

    In any case, I then tried with and without SLI, and now instead of a full freeze I get a reboot.

    So the computer randomly reboots upon playing CMSF (and only CMSF).

    I'll try for 94.24 and report back.


  8. Hello,

    I just bought online SF and I have version 1.07.

    I have a single core AMD PC with 2 SLI geforce 7900s under the latest 169.21 drivers and I'm experiencing constant problems.

    Sometimes the game will CTD, but most of the times (90%) it will totally freeze (not just a 5-10s interruption) requiring a hard reboot of the computer.

    The complete freezes occur randomly as far as I can tell, that is they are independent of mouse clicking, mouse movement, shooting, etc...

    I can't even go through 10 minutes of the first training mission in the training campaign. The freezes (when it doesn't CTD) are systematic and I've never managed to finish that training mission. The game can freeze in the first ten seconds as the strykers start moving, or freeze when they're engaged against the opfor.

    I've tried all sorts of different settings in the NVIDA panel and the game itself to no avail. The only thing I haven't tried is disabling SLI.

    What should I do? Disable SLI? (I'd hate that) Downgrade the drivers?


    El H.

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