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Everything posted by LeLynx

  1. Ok, thank you Sneaksie. I will try your idea.
  2. Thanks Slaphappy. My idea was precisely to make the artillery crosshair clickable only on areas on which the FO has LOS. Don't know if it is possible and how to script it.
  3. :confused: I have no problem to manage my units, just press the "hold position button" :cool: . I don't like missions with too much units.
  4. Hi all, I 'm thinking about some artillery questions, I need help: -is there a way to mod an Artillery forward observer by scripting so that only the unit/ observer would be able to call for artillery/mortars? -in the game, only one kind of the same support is possible in the same mission, e.g, I would like to have two kinds of mortar support in the same mission (e.g 120 mm -and- 81 mm), is it possible? Any help would be greatly apreciated!
  5. One year of good gaming! Thank you 1C and Battlefront!
  6. I love both games, and I think that tow's AI is great, don't understand your critics... If you like another game,please, stay there.
  7. The TypesAI contains a sample map for the effects of the vehicles movement; it can be edited in any text editing program, Notepad for example. It is not used by map editor.
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