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Everything posted by RevolutionISmyName

  1. Ah ha. I thought of that, but just didn't get around to trying it.(call me lazy) Thanx for the help The Louch
  2. This is something i found in another thread, reguarding changing textures. I believe the thread starter was missinginreality. Soo my question is for him, or any other modder who can clear this up for me. Are you saying, to change the number in the filename; (ex) facade3-exterior-bottom to facade8-exterior-bottom? Because i tried that to NO avail. So in other words, i am NOT understanding what this is saying exactlly. If you, or someone else could mabey explain it better(for me), or take a screenshot of what you're saying, i would be MUCH obliged... Thanx...
  3. Hmm...I wonder how other people are doing it? God, I hope it isn't involving Photoshop/Gimp or some other photo editor. I have been modding with Gimp all friggen week, and im kinda burnt out atm with it..Even though it was quite fun doing it. Learning trial by error, can be quite tiring...haha
  4. I am trying to take some screenshots, and have seen other ss's with no UI/compass/replay message etc. But, for the life of me, can't figure out how to toggle these. Any help would be appreciated.
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