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Posts posted by Mikkey

  1. For suppress fire you're right, if I can suppress fire on building and I have Bradley with TOW, so Bradley fire first his all TOWs instead coax...

    Would be good also selection between Main Gun/Second gun/TOW for vehicles and Machine gun(carabine)/Javelin(RPG) for infantry. Something like in old CMBtB/AK.

  2. The revised manual is for the CM Shock Force *base game* only. The Marines module comes with its own (short) supplementary manual which has all the items that are specific to the Marines module (and not available for the base game). I may be wrong but the items you listed are specific to Syrian Airborne units which are included in the Marines module (only).
    In pre-order bundle version CMSF and Marines will be contain printed revised manual for base game and Marines in one or two books?
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