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Everything posted by lele

  1. hi, can't you me explain, what is this for list? TIE fighter????? this list containt many experimental tank, we don't have make a battl!e graf zeppelin and other model this exist just on paper model, and so what would you? modder should mod this model?
  2. hi, is possible to add weather effect on map mission? it's possible, to add so different mission on a campaign, with different weather effect! so exemple, one day rain another day on another mission low stratus effect, etc and other weather effect!! is this possible????? thnx
  3. okey thnx egon,but what i need to convert 3ds file to msh? is this a special plugin? or a special program?
  4. hi, i have read, modding doc, but what is with house and building, tree, and other object???? is same way to mod as by tank unit? train? house, bunker and other building.... grass,tree water ...... thank's for any help about this!!!!
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