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Everything posted by Coldspike

  1. Yes, I got it, no need to be an ass.
  2. Never mind, I re-read the PDF last night and found that this card is intentionally broken.
  3. Hi skaol! I haven't played against a human, just my laptop and the online A.I.. I'm pretty sure that I won't fly against a human because I'll insist on pilots with no experience for both sides. This is about me versus the other person and how well we can use the cards that are dealt to us. If the other person has to have the Affirmative Action options (Zoom Climb, Power Dive, Redline, etc.) then that means that they aren't very good. Thanks for the Welcome!
  4. here is an idea, how about an options screen that allows me to use the card game rules instead of the computer game set? Example 1, be able to select that everyone draws from the same deck as the card game (wingmen too, just like the card game). That the computer has to draw the cards during its turn and HOLD then just like I do. {I don't know how the game really works but I'm pretty sure the computer just keeps track of how many cards it is suppose to 'hold' and when it needs to play it does a random draw for what it needs for that action, and once play is over it loses those cards (if it hasn't already blown me out of the sky), and goes back to holding the number needed, rather than the cards. (Mmmm did that tirade make come across right?) What brought this up, Half Loop cards are suppose to be RARE, but the computer plays them like common cards)} Example 2, a wingman made leader has the performance minus one card rule put back in place. Example 3, sandbox. Planes versus planes. Hey I'm the pilot, I don't need all the cripple ware (power dive, zoom climb, etc) to kick the computer/humans all over the sky.
  5. I've noticed that the Vertical Roll card is broken and will not work. I start at an altitude (doesn't matter) and instead of getting into a fight I can't win I either dive or climb (again it doesn't matter which I pick) to get an elevation separation from the Uber A.I.. Now I'm also holding a vertical roll card that I would like to play, but all I can do is end my turn and got to the draw cards phase. Am I the only one who has found this broken card/ game mechanic?
  6. Mkay, not a real good way to start out posting here but here is a list of my pet peeves about DiF. 1. 96% of the time the first card played by the computer is Half Loop. Why? Not a very rare card if it draws it every time. I'm thinking that the first 'hand' that the computer draws looks something like, Half Loop, Ace Pilot, Vertical Roll, and Out of the Sun 3:3 Burst. It doesn't matter the nationality, the first cards I see played against me are those, which brings me to my next peeve. 2.What does the Draw Deck look like? I'm pretty sure it looks nothing like the real card deck from DiF. In one game there where THREE (3) IMS2:Destroyed in play in the same phase, my leader had two and my wingman had one played against him. Also, is there a play deck that gets cycled through? I'm thinking there isn't because I've had the Golden BB and held on to it for a while and then had to dump it because th super AI had me Tailed and was sing all 8 of his cards to light me up. I dump the BB on turn 4 and on turn 5 its played against me. Multiple cards in one deck, or are all the cards 'shuffled back together'after every turn? 3. What the hell is Other in the mission results page? Two P-40N's (1940) versus two Nates in their first mission after creating them lost to the japs. I find it kinda hard to believe since both Nates were shot down (a surprise to me too, since even with the most 'veteran' pilot with all the bells and whistles purchased is lucky to even flip a computer plane) and the P-40N's were untouched. The computer scored I think it was 6 points each (12 total) in the Other entry while I think the total for my planes was something like 10 points total. I've read through the two PDF files and can't find a listing for how the Other line is scored. Again, call me a purist, but if I splash both of the japs I think I should 'Win' not have a Marginal Loss. 4.Why isn't there a 'sandbox'? I would like to fly Planes, not pilots, against one another. In the Local Custom mission area I set up a battle between the same planes (110C's), the mission pops up and the computer has a host of skills for the Leader and Wingman. Come on, I want to fly planes, not pilots. 5. This has been mentioned else where but I'll include it here, is there any plans to allow the player to be able to select the Nationality of the opponent? In one battle I'm flying against japs, the next huns. Its kind of strange flying American Corsairs against 109's. Also mentioned in other posts, is there plans for playing campaigns off line? And also using player supplied pilots? Thanks, Wes
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