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Posts posted by wesselholt

  1. Hello everybody,

    fully enjoying the new game like that little kid (me) which in the 80´s played around with small soldiers on his bed and created lots of scenarios and dramas there.

    The mods are slowly being added to the game, and although I have played all CM games I have not tried a single mod ever. That sillyness must now end, and I have looked around in the forums in search of someting like a guide to how to install mods. I guess the sheer numbers of mods to the earlier games indicates that it is not the most complicated process, but I am totally green to this.

    Do any of you know a posting or some other reference that could be useful for us novices in modding?

    Best regards!

  2. Dear Battlefront-team

    Reading your words regarding the imminent release of Battle for Normandy, a little thought came across my mind: How Battlefront really would be missed if you guys werent around developing war games on a market that often promotes and rewards much more broad and unrealistic games and genres. The thought of a you not around is...depressing, and would really limit or kill my computer gaming...

    Therefore, let me just use this occasion - the coming Normandy game - to thank you, Battlefront-team, for still hanging in there and making games that challenges us, improves our understanding of tactical war experiences and are so plain fun to play and empathizes with.

    From a Dane, who has enjoyed all the titles since the earliest Combat Mission games


  3. Regards, JonS. Good idea to deconstruct a existing scenario in the editor - didnt knew I could that! I will use some time there.

    Agreed, some plan for the tactical "storyline" is useful before entering the editor. I pretty much has the story, the balancing of forces and the challenges for the player figured out,

    And oh, as much as I loved to set up small toy soldiers in an concrete enviroment with a background story as a child, I now really love to dwell into the making of a map and the details on it. Perfect activity for relaxing :)


  4. Admitted, Im a newbie in making scenarios, but I want to contribute to this great community by developing some scenarios myself. Hopefully, you will enjoy them in due time :)

    However, does there exist some sort of manual or document about how to make scenarios and which explain AI-plans and so on? I realize that this forum could have som info about this, but on the AI-plan and so on I havent found anything.

    So, is there a good place to start? I want to fulfill my ideas :)



  5. Hi all, yep, im fully engaged in playing British Forces, and I think all the combat mission titles respectively are the best wargames i have ever played. A lot of great suggestions for further improvements have already been posted here. However, I have a small one that I really miss in the game. If its already suggested or under consideration, forgive me :)

    I miss the possibility of placing a marker/symbol or text on the map. If i locate an interesting location while i am planning my strategy and want to visualize it, it would be cool to be able to place fx some text there, like many of the scenario designers have done already.

    Or it could be some enemy units spotted but then disappearing, and then it could be cool to simulate the information between units that "there is a possible enemy location there and there in our area" (just to illustrate what the actual real life analogy could be). And I wont have to scrool endlessly over the map time after time to locate the spot.

    Dont know if Im making it all clear :)

    Best regards,


  6. As July comes to an end, I find myself checking Battlefront on a daily basis...how I love this sweet time before the release of a title that I know I will love...the exact same feeling as in the 80s when I waited for Microposes flight simulations (oh, the old gunship and f-19...how i loved it and the smell of the manual..)

  7. Hi all.

    Im enjoying Marines, and for the first time I started to focus on the possibility that my men actually could deliver som 'buddy aid' and save wounded soldiers and/or retrieve lost weapons.

    However, in case of a wounded soldier I do se that one of my other men are performing the 'medic' task, but after a while the wounded soldier that was 'buddy aided' suddenly just disappear from the screen, physically, and not because he is back to a unit or so. Hes just gone. Any other experienced that? And, just picking up weapons dont work either.

  8. Oh joy, at last the Marines arrived. Although its late night here in Denmark I just played the battle "Bad Moon Rising" and I think it was my best CMSF experience so far. The radio chatter in air and artillery missions, the new equipment, the new soldiers (!), the sound of the environment, the hugely improved infantry (and enemy) behavior, the counterattack and so on. Im impressed, so far, and one thing is even more clear now than before: CMSF is the game of my dreams come true, really.

    Great thanks to the staff at Battlefront for the great job.

    And now I must see another tactic war (on words) in the first presidential debate....

  9. True, Meach :)

    As a man that still remembers and cherish the special mid-80ies feeling of buying a new game for the commodore 64 and hurry home, also I simply can not wait for the Marines - and to yet another time feel the pure joy of childhood. Battlefront has made a great game with a long lifetime...looking forward to dream some hours away late evenings soon - its pure meditation when child and girlfriend is asleep :)

  10. I hoped it was fixed, but no...

    I have the Paradox version of CMSF (patched to 1.8). On all the old patches Ive experienced the problem with a "out of memoy" crash after mission 9 was accomplished. Very frustrating. I hoped it was fixed in 1.8, but i have just played an entire new campaign, and..the problem still persist.

    I play in turnbased mode.

    Is there any solution to my problem? I remember some posts about in here last year, but couldnt find a solution for it.

    From a man that dreams about fullfilling a campaign some times.... smile.gif

  11. Hello everybody.

    A very kind soul in this forum has sent me the savefile for the campaignmission after Night Stalker (yes, I alså experienced the memory/crash problems there without finding a solution).

    However, the savefile is in realtime-mode, and I only play turn-based mode. Is there any way to change the savefile to turnbasemode without asking someone to play the entire campaing in turnbased-mode for my own sake?

    Preciate help.

  12. As a quit, but yearlong dedicated fan of all CM-titles I now finally have to interfere with this very useful forum. I have a problem I cannot solve although I have searched the internet and followed this forums tips and guides.

    A month ago I purchased the Paradox version of CM:SF, installed it, and right away applied the 1.04 patch. But the game could not start, gave me those "unable to authenticate original disc within time limit " and "Please insert the original disc instead of a backup" messages associated with Securom. However, I managed to play the game by clicking the icon, then eject the cd, insert it again and the game would start.

    Until yesterday. I eagerly installed the 1.05 patch. And my little trick didnt work anymore. Now the only thins I get are the messages from above. I have mailed Securom, got a fast reply with af new exe-file, but that dit not work either.

    Im close to desperat, and would like to know if any of you outhere has managed to solve this problem or has any tips.

    Happy holidays, wargamers

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