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Marty Ward

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Everything posted by Marty Ward

  1. I look at these maps and feel like Jack Nicholson talking about Batman. "Where does he get all those wonderful toys????"
  2. The only thing I want from SC3 is for it to be as much fun to play as SC2. This is one of the most enjoyable titles I've played in years. The freaking map for SC3 can look like a 60's album cover for all I care.
  3. Thanks for the explanation. Do the countries have to be in the war to adjust the levels?
  4. Is there a way to adjust how many MMP's you send via convoy?
  5. I'm new to the game and perhaps I'm just seeing things but I sometimes it seems like the weather changes between the AI half of the turn and my half of the turn. Am I going nuts?
  6. Thanks. Hopefully it is happy conquering as opposed to sullen surrendering
  7. I just purchased the SC2 bundle. How long are the scenarios? Do they all go to the end of the war or is the grand campaign with the Pacific theater the only full length war scenario? Thanks.
  8. Thanks. Do you know if you can make a back up copy also?
  9. If I purchase a game via digital download can I install it on more than one computer in my home? The reason I ask is that I have 2 home computers and my wife and daughters occasionally want to use the main one for doing something productive, as if conquering the world wasn't productive enough!
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