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Everything posted by Myrmidon

  1. After playing a number of turns in different scenarios, I have arrived at the following tenuous, approximate, and perhaps faulty conclusions. Artilery units are incredibly powerful, especially with their defensive fire option which basically negates an ennemy attack on one of my units. Is this too strong ? However AT guns ont he other hand seem rather poor, since it requires little effort to line up an infantry unit in front of it and blowing it to peaces. Better to simply upgrade units with anti tank levels. AA units, I don't have a feel for yet. Any thoughts on this ?
  2. Yes (cough cough), I did play Third Reich many years ago. This game is just playable versus detailed enough to make it managible time wise and enjoyment wise. Loving every minute of it. So why is it that Italy can't attack a neutral before entering Axis ? Seems a bit strange to leave this out. I notice that the AI does the same thing every game as axis turn 1, and as Allies defending France (UK sends same unit to same hex every game). Is it possible with this game that people will invent AI scripts personalities for the game ? Imagine you load up and pick "random" AI personality. You don't know if you are playing against agressive "Bob" who goes for SeaLion or careful "Jim" who spends a lot of points on diplomacy and an African strategy. Then again, one day soon I'll get into multiplayer. I just want to make sure I understand all the gme mecanics first...seeing how diferent units work, understnading strenghs and weaknesses of each nation... Great game !
  3. Hi ! I have just started player SC2 WAW for the first time and am havig a blast learning the game. Thank you Hubert for such a wonderful experience. A few questions: 1. It seems strange to me that germany cannot give Italy BRPs er..I mean MPPs. Playing Italy basically means doing nothing very exciting at least at first it seems. 2. I wanted to attack Greece with Italy before Italy joins Axis. Apparently this is not possible correct ? A suggestion: I moved an Italian cruiser towards Egypt before it went to war and it was surrounded by 3 British BBs and 1 cruiser. I did not move for 3 turns and they just floated next to me for 3 turns as well. This allowed me to know the exact location of British ships on the onset of war and thus gain a slight unfair advantage it seems. Is there a simple way to tell the script "if ennemy unit not at war with me, do something else instead of staying glued to said ship "? There really is an amazingly deep level of customisation available in this game. I love to choose whether to upgrade some air units in for example naval combat or rather anti tank. It really adds flavour. The action point system is really good as well. Liked the weather too. My only complaint so far is the choice of bland grey slabs for the interface buttons, but this is really a minor issue. Great game ! (Hopefully one day soon I'll try a multiplayer !)
  4. Just a quite note that everything is in order now that I switched computers. I have ordered the game and I am EXCITED ! Look forward to many fine duels with you all. M.
  5. Thank you for your swift response. I have no explanation for my problem. I have tried clicking on the link "purchase" on the top frame, as well as the "pre order bundle pack". I have also just tried http://www.battlefront-store.com:8080 and always get the name result which I copy below. I have never had problems with ebay, or anyother payment system either, even most recently, so I'm just baffled by it all: For page: http://www.battlefront-store.com:8080/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&Itemid=26&category_id=13&product_id=150 Impossible d'afficher la page [impossible to view page] La page que vous recherchez est actuellement indisponible. Le site Web rencontre peut-être des difficultés techniques, ou vous devez modifier les paramètres de votre navigateur. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Essayez de la manière suivante : Cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou recommencez ultérieurement. Si vous avez entré l'adresse de cette page dans la barre d'adresses, vérifiez qu'elle est correcte. Pour vérifier vos paramètres de connexion, cliquez sur le menu Outils, puis sur Options Internet.. Dans l'onglet Connexions, cliquez sur Paramètres. Les paramètres doivent correspondre à ceux fournis par votre administrateur réseau ou par votre fournisseur d'accès à Internet. Vérifiez que vos paramètres de connexion Internet sont détectés. Vous pouvez configurer Microsoft Windows de façon à ce qu'il examine votre réseau et détecte automatiquement les paramètres de connexion (si votre administrateur réseau a activé ce paramètre). Cliquez sur le menu Outils, puis cliquez sur Options Internet. Dans l'onglet Connexions, cliquez sur Paramètres réseau. Sélectionnez Détecter automatiquement les paramètres de connexion, puis cliquez sur OK. Certains sites exigent une sécurité de connexion 128 bits. Cliquez sur le menu ? (Aide) puis sur À propos de Internet Explorer pour déterminer le niveau de cryptage installé. Si vous tentez de joindre un site sécurisé, vérifiez que vos paramètres de sécurité le prennent en charge. Cliquez sur le menu Outils, puis cliquez sur Options Internet. Dans l'onglet Avancé, faites défiler les options jusqu'à la section de sécurité, et vérifiez les paramètres d'utilisation de SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 et PCT 1.0. Cliquez sur le bouton Précédente pour essayer un autre lien. Impossible de trouver le serveur ou erreur DNS Internet Explorer
  6. A long time lurker I've decided to take the plunge and buy the game with the new expansion. However I have tried for 3 days to pre-order without success. I click on the pre-order button and after a long wait get a servor error message. Please help me spend my money ! And greetings to all !
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