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Posts posted by Kavy

  1. Or foxholes, whichever.

    Lets say you find your infantry in some nice woods(or tall pines or similar covered area) and in the woods you also see a nice big crater or similar pit, where do you park your infantry to get best cover from incoming enemy(hopefully enemy) fire? Choises being 'just the woods' or 'in the crater in the woods'.

    Of course any dip in the ground should be an obvious choise, but is it so in the game? So is a crater in the woods better than just the woods? And the different sized craters in the game do have different defensive values? I mean you 'can' put a squad of over 10 men in those tiny small little craters...

    And to not to make myself sound too intelligent, is it better to have trenches in open, or in woods? Woods provide visual cover, but also those whatchamacallits... treebursts from artillery. I would say woods, but havent really seen much difference from placed in the open.

  2. About 1500 - 2000 points worth of violence wanted by email playing. Im quite active at playing my turns, that is at least about once per day. And I consider myself to be a bit above average. Just a bit. Oh yes, and I prefer having a lot of settings set to be at random(casualties, fitness, time etc at random... not all of terrain at random thou). Hard core and so forth. So if you are any kinda softie cry-baby who wants it all to be perfect for himself and stops playing when he loses his first tank, then you can, well, you know what. The bad word =) Then shoot yourself in the head two times, you spineless slimenoses. So, any normal-minded people, reply if you wanna play. Dont know if someone still roams these forums, but we shall see...

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