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Posts posted by Ritter_85

  1. You get my voice too... it was nice to see which unit killed, destroyed, captured the most.. for example.. once in cmbb one of my finnish AT-rifle team got hit and one of the two men died/wounded. and a T-34 came right next to that unit and that one guy surrended to the tank :D but the tank annihilated that poor at-rifle guy :( after the battle I checked that if that tank really captured it and it did :D

  2. oh.. no friendly fire? it was nice to see in cmbb when light was low how own troops made identification errors and accidentally fired friendly troops... You notice how a Mashinegun slowly turns against nearby friendly squad and at the last minute men behind the mashinegun realize that there are no enemies only friendlies :D

  3. I think those soldiers think that there would be an enemy present inside those buildings....

    but after I noticed those friendly units there I realized they are too careful :D why being extra careful when own troops are holding positions and "securing" those buildings....Or maybe they dont have any contact between company and those Humwees and soldiers at the roof.

    or its a bug... that soldiers immediately thinks

    crossing an open field would be a suicide...

    have you tried to send scout units before ordering whole company to cross? or did they same thing?

  4. You, the player, aren't role- playing any particular person. You're not the battalion commander or whatever. You are a conglomeration of leaders at every level from NCO all the way up to major. A real sim would only allow you to issue orders to unit leaders, and only let you see what your alter ego saw. Not much fun there. [/QB]

    Thats right. You don't give direct orders to the men in squads or even platoon leaders. You give orders to the highest commander in rank at the battlefield, let it be a company or battalion commander. And you just hope those orders go well when executed by the soldiers under field commander. Hope I was clear :D
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