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  1. You know what would be nice? It would be nice if surviving squad members would pick the launcher up and use it when the guy carring it dies... instead of standing there shooting at the T-72 comming there way with there M4's. That would be nice.
  2. Maybe I’m the only one experiencing this, but I think I may have come across a rather annoying bug. I haven’t seen this mentioned by anyone else yet so maybe I’m the only unfortunate one. Anyway the issue I’m having is with seemingly invincible T-72’s on the map Al Hawl. I have been playing this map for the last few days and the issue persists each time around. Basically there is always 1 sometimes 2(not positive) tanks near the Mosque in the center of town. I have put javelin after javelin on these tanks with no damage what-so-ever to the tanks. I have put as many as six javelins at 1 tank and the bastard was still happily returning fire and laying waste with the coax and the main. After unleashing javelin furry at these invincible beasts, I have even gone as far as to bring up 105mm Stryker’s and unleash on these T-72’s... with no effect. Now, every other piece of enemy (Red Team) armor on this map is laid to waste as it should be with the exception of these guys. Also, this is the only map I have noticed this on, however I haven’t played anything but this map and Factory Outlet. Battlefront can you take a look at this? Is this a known bug? Anyone else experiencing this? OR Can anyone else verify this as a problem?
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