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Posts posted by salwon

  1. Also keep in mind that WiC is specifically tailored for nVidia cards...there's a note in the manual about how great your performance will be and how you get "nVidia special-effect features."

    Also notice the difference in staff: 3 pages of credits vs 1 programmer, 2 artists, 1 sound guy, and a developer...not much of a contest there.

    FWIW, I personally get equal (but very different) enjoyment out of both of these games.

  2. See for me, Shock Force and the game in question are two sides of a coin sent down from heaven. WiC is more like playing an action movie, but you really do need to be smart to do well. Get a good game going online, against quality opponents, and just *try* to rush your tanks in like some other RTSs. See how far you get : ).

    Shock Force has the realism perfected (assuming 1.03, of course), and WiC has a perfect strategy game for the masses. Personally, there is room enough for both on my hard drive.

  3. What's the best way to do the above? It's not that I don't enjoy blasting grand architecture to the ground (I do!), it just seems like there should be a better way than waiting to get lucky with an MG burst.

    Let's get specific here: imagine the second scenario. Let's assume the barracks, airfield, and everything in between are cleared out. At 1:00 to the barracks, there is a U-shaped apartment complex, with two squads in either corner of the U. These guys can hit anything that moves on "my" side of the map, which becomes a giant pain in the ass incredibly fast : ). Without resorting to just hurling 105 or ATGM rounds at them until the building falls down, how do you deal with dudes like that? What specific combination of movement/attack commands do you give to deal with enemy units (with excellent fields of fire) holed up in buildings directly in your front?


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