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Everything posted by Apocalypse

  1. guys the stats showed NO enemy - no men alive... Checked the map afterwards ... No enemy. They were not in a corner they simply were never created in QB when I had the RED random feature enabled
  2. I have just completed a QB map where the was no enemy force at all. I was the US and had set the opposition to be random RED forces. The map was open terrain which had 2 objectives to be captured. On completion of the time having never fired a shot in anger, I checked the after action report screen and yes there was a complete line of zero's for the enemy stats.... No persons alive, No persons wounded, No persons killed. In short NO ENEMY Is quick battle completely worthless at the present time................
  3. not sure if I should post this here... I have encountered a bug where troops situated on the roof of a building are given a command to move to the roof of another building. Instead of running down inside the building and making their way across the street, they simply levitate from one roof to another as if they were running on solid ground. They cross the open spaces, 2, 3 or 4 levels up and bypass anything (other buildings usually) that are in their way
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