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Posts posted by Jochen

  1. Hi Steve!

    I can understand your position - and, if i would have to code such a game, i also would set priorities to, maybe, more important things.

    Well, i missed these "individual" infos, too! It came up to me, when i did want to change the amount of ammo for my troops. There i saw, that is not possible anymore.

    For me, and i think for the most fans here, the editor in all Cm-Games is the long-time, superduperspecial tool, no other game offers. It would be great to have the features to change single units and the infos in the purchase table back again.

    (sorry for my english)



  2. Hi all! (again)

    Hi Steve, Charles and the rest of the crew at BF.

    As one of those, who have been with CM since the beginning, i lost my interest on the new sequel one or two years ago. As a lot of others here, i doupted, that a modern war game will catch me like the other CM-games did.

    But, what can i say, after playing CMSF since Friday last week?


    Since Friday i´m only using the mighty editor - i love this editor - and i love the tanks and all the other stuff.

    So, the longer you play and create, the more you will find out some things/problems, wich should be fixed or patched. These things are:

    1. The "tankdance" and dismount of passengers! Well, what can i say - it is deadly to dismount your infantry - they always have losses. They always expose themself a way too much. I think others have mentioned it bevore - it´s a question of pathfinding. I hope, that this will be fixed at first!

    2. It´s not possible (for me?) to adjust artillery fire during the mission is fired. Also, it is not possible to fire smoke. Aaaand, i have the feeling, that smoke doesn´t block the los of the enemy! Together with point 1, the best solution for dismounting is to park your carrier behind a very big and very long building. This is the only possibility to bring your men in urban fighting!

    3. Enemies (regular or unconventional) NEVER retreat! Never ever!!!

    4. Well, beside all realism, those enemies are in most cases very low on ammunition! Aren´t they?

    5. Maybe i´ve overseen them, but where are bridges and barbed wires? Will they be given later? It also would be great, to have ruined buildings in this way, that also the roof could be ruined - like those buildings wich are striked by artillery in game!

    6. I think it would be very helpful to see squad equipment (as it was shown in earlier Cmgames)in the editor "buying table". I alway have to check the equipment in the "3D-view" and then hopping back into the buying area. Well, the best would be, to have back the possibility to equip your squads as you like to equip them - beside if this is realistic or not. It´s a game and the magic of this game is the editor, wich should give as the tool to fullfill our imagin.

    Well, don´t get me wrong, i also could post here all the new and positiv things. My post is no "attack" on the developers.

    I only would appriciate, if BF would tell us, if those problems mentioned above are known and if they are interested in fixing them! This would be very kind!

    So, sorry for my english and many greetings from Germany/Stuttgart!


    [ August 01, 2007, 04:54 AM: Message edited by: Jochen ]

  3. In CE the Axis smoked the area at the two farmhouses, all my 4 remaining Shermans were firing like maddogs into the forests, to stop the approaching german infantery. In the scattered tree line in front of the two wheatfields were an US Infantry-Platoon in cover. Suddenly, the german arty stopped shooting smoke, but begann shooting HE_shells to the covered Platoon, that they were forced to run into the smoke!!!! - Wow!!

    In VOT the Panther came down the hill, i tried to make a trap with two Sherms (one with 76mm) and a bazooka. The Panther took out the 76 Sherm in a dictance of 20m (the Sherman immediatly began to withdraw and using his smoke-mortar, the second Sherm lost LOS - oh, my good, what to do now???

    I forgotten a third Sherman standing infront of the church, he shot at the Panther, damaging the Panthers gun - the Panther rotated his frontarmor to this "forgotten Sherman" and was killed by the bazooka.

    I´m really impressed by the AI, by this great game!!!!

    Greetings to all


  4. To Senachai:

    I couldn´t have said it better! I love this game too!!!

    To the tank-tactics:

    At the start playing CE two of my shermans are positioned to the right of the street, watching along the street leading into the little town, and watching the area behing the town. Only one Sherman is going with the infantery along the street. The other two Shermans are going on the left flank with one platoon of inf.

    Now guess what, after playing several times, i recognized, that the "watching Shermans" often had been taken out by the aproaching StuGs. The other Shermans, especially those on the left flank, standing behing the two houses at the wheatfields, did the job taking out the Stugs.

    Now, i always try to play like a commander, who doesn´t know the scenario - but, outflanking works really great!


  5. I played VOT always as the US. The last time, the German setup was massed up on the left side, with all their bunkers.

    Easy thing to go along the valley in the middle or over the forest on the right - the AI is not cheating!!!

    But i have another question - as i heard, tanks and infanterie are not connected in CM-AI. So, how does the AI do its job? - ´Cause, i., as a human will order my troops with the knowledge of all squads and tanks - if the AI has not this knowledge (only the informations of LOS), it is a big difference to the human player. (Sorry my bad english, i hope you understand what i mean).


  6. Hey folks,

    yesterday i saw now the using of a democharge against German Infanterie. It was a tough fight on that German hill.

    But, i´ve never seen the fausts in action ... hmmm, some people here said that the fausts are used - i believe them, and looking forward to see this action - but, does the AI use the fausts by his own??? Has anybody seen this yet?

    BTW - Great game!

    Thanks for all your postings!

    Greetings from Germany... ähm, the German hill.


  7. Your topic was posted several times in this forum - but i think you´re right in posting it again - ´Cause i dream of it every time i play CM.

    Heyyyyyy, Steve & charles, will you do, as said before? Will there be a patch or "regular" Softwarepack, where this moviefeature is included? And if so, when??

    Bruglllbushwarrrgh - o.k., I´m fine again, everything under control.

    So, without any pressure to you - please, make it real.

    Thanks a lot ....


  8. Hi,

    thanks for your quick reply.

    Are you shure, that it was a faust? Wasn´t it a Schreck? (Schrecks are very dangerous and very well used - i think even in the GD over a longer distance). I ask you, cause i tried to see, what you are describing, but only saw Schrecks doing the job.

    Please answer me again.


  9. Has anybody seen yet, the using of democharges, Rifle Grenades, Panzerfausts...?

    I didn´t! I know that there had been a lot discussions in the past about using the fausts - does this mean, that the democharges and Riflegrenades are used in the same manner as the fausts - very short distance, clear LOs for a longer duration to the target? (Sorry, democharges are used only to a very short distance - I know).

    Greetings to all


  10. I´m dl it at this moment. Can´t wait ... smoking to much (yes, i´m european), shivering, bibbering ......

    and i always thougt, that i´m alone with my hobby ... no, there are plenty of others, who are as "mad" as i am. And .. it´s a good feeling (hehehehehe).

    ´Hope, that the GD will run well on my system, cause some people posted crashes.... urrrrh, please, not to me.

    Greetings form Germany


  11. Ahhh ,,,yes, barrel - thanks.

    Another question - as it is written here, the use of mortars should be able in the indirect way, if the mortar (on board) squad is in CC of a leader squad, wich has LOS to the target. So, my mortar-SPW is a vehicle, does this mean, that it can only fire direct or is it possible for the vehicle to be "linked" with a leadersquad and fire indirect???



  12. It´s me again - sorry i´ve forgotten my second question.

    I´ve also seen, that there will be a LMG 42 squad in the game. My question is, how many men will this squad have - in the German army today, always two men are with a LMG. MG-Schütze 1 (gunner) and MG-Schütze 2 (the guy for the ammo and to help to change the (oh, i don´t know the english word for "MG-Rohr/Lauf" sorry...). As i know, even in the Wehrmacht only two men handled an LMG 42.

    Will this be also in the game - or are there more men in such a squad? - BTW, do you really need 4-6 men for a HMG?

    I know, some would say, Jochen - wait for the game, then you will get your answer - but, i´m so impressed by CM- that i can´t wait.

    Thanks again.

  13. Hi everybody,

    as i´ve seen on a unitlist at Wild Bill and the Raiders, there are many types of the German SPWs (those cool transporters in LD).

    Will the mortar and Howitzer SPWs also in the game? If yes, how are they to use - especially the 81mm mortar - i´m interested in - is it possible to use his mortar indirect - or only with a clear LOS?

    As it was stated before, there is no use of indirect fire fo tanks - so, i´m a little bit confused how it will be handled with the SPWs.

    Thanks for any answers.

    Greetings from Germany


  14. yeah, would be great!

    But there are some of such mags (in earlier days for tabletop-games, was called "The General" or so) - isn´t there any new mag for PC-wargames? If so, please tell me anyone, if not - who want´s to work with me for a really good one.

    Ups, perhaps i said toooo much now. Would be a lot of work to do - even if you like to look at such great sites as "The wargamer", "DerGrenadier", "Combatsim" .... - i think to print it, would be no good business.

    What are you thinking?


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