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Everything posted by Sabairarius

  1. Hey Pilot, It looks as if the problem has gone away. There have been a couple of updates recently and one which required a restart. After that hey presto! No more virus probs. Just the old crashing to desktop in the middle of a battle mularkey. Ho Hum...roll on the patch.
  2. Well I have just downloaded and installed the multipart version of the game and my AV has popped up an alert for the same virus in the same file. So my game is un-playable unless I turn off the AV. Which of course I will not do so I am stuck. Sab
  3. Hi Pandur, I use Virgin Media PC Guard. I downloaded the game from the Battlefront website. I am going to download the multiple files and see if that works. Looks like pilot and I got the same message from different AV software at about the same time. Curious, Anyway I'll see how the next download and load goes and get back to you. Cheers, Sab
  4. Do you think this could be fixed by deleting the infected file and placing a known clean file in the RT folder? If so could one be posted here or emailed to me? Sab
  5. Hey Pilot, I am having the same problems. I've run the anti-virus, un-installed the game, run anti-virus again then downloaded the game again and re-installed it. I am then told by my anti-virus prog that the W32/Susema-based!Maximus virus is back. Mine is in the Jet RT folder. Can anyone help? Cheers, Sab
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