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Everything posted by SRK1

  1. Well, I have been playing with this game. I noticed a few things that are odd. 1: Artillary shell blasts, IE 155mm, at 30m from a soldier, and, he is still standing. Wow! What a tough soldier. 2: Mortar blasts 4m from an antitank crew, and nothing happens to them. 3: What, no 88mm AA gun? The dreaded 88 does not exist? Cannot find it in inventory. 4: Take Kovel for instance. What, no minefields? No camaflouge for the anti-tank guns? In Citadelle, just look for the sandbags! 5: In Citadelle, gave tank order to withdraw. Gets hit with shell. Tank stops for few secs, then starts moving again. Why is that? To give the anti-tank crew a chance to reload? 6: Artillary, why can I not manage my own mortar crews?
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