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Posts posted by carlR

  1. PoE

    I dont want bigger badder CMX1, more units, more of everything. I only play small battles in CMX1 anyway. BUT I would quite like it if things that worked pretty well in CMX1 like LOS, pathfinding and TacAI also worked in CMX2. Maybe with time they will!

  2. That some of you think of CMSF as a potential new & better CC rather than an updated and improved CM suggests to me that the series has gone 'lite' in pursuit of sales. TOW adopts the same marketing pitch btw. I suspect that this will prove to have been a successful marketing ploy on behalf of BFC. Sales will no doubt be much higher than they were for the CMX1 games. It is a shame that for wargamers who want to simulate real-world tactics, we are left wondering what could have been. I will continue to play CMX1 and hope that by the time CMX2 WW2 comes out the CMX2 series is a fully functioning wargame.

  3. The CMX1 games are indeed wargames and they work. I was in fact hoping for a new wargame set in the modern era, one in which walls buildings and hills block the ability to fire on targets as they do in real life. I accept the need to use RT when creating a sim of a single vehicle that moves like a plane or sub, but CM is about using a number of different assets and employing real-world tactics to defeat an enemy. As such it is a wargame for which turns are entirely appropriate. Anyway, it is not RT that is my gripe. I just wonder if BFC included it to make the game more 'appealing' to the masses....and in the meantime forgot that accurate LOS/LOF is pretty essential to make a wargame set in modern times anywhere near enjoyable.

  4. Great graphics, fast adrenalin pumping RT gameplay.

    BUT no TacAI to speak of, no LOS/LOF {anyone wonder why there is no LOS tool? - LOS doesnt work so a tool cant work), weak pathfinding plus an assortment of less significant problems.

    Makes me wonder if BFC made a conscious decision to pander to the great graphics/fast gameplay RTS crowd in an attempt to generate increased sales?


    The issues with CMSF do seem remarkably similar to those with TOW...which is a totally different engine. Maybe programming complex LOS/LOF systems and solid AI is just too difficult??

    I think Im going to have go to playing 2D top-down wargames from Matrix.

  5. Im an old CMer too and I have had exactly the same experience. Kept dumping the demo then going back for one more try! Finally can beat the AI on medium with morale on.

    Camera needs to be tweaked. Get the mouse and keyboard sensitivity set up right and the controls work extremely well......better than CM. Crucially, dont allow the mouse wheel zoom to be set too fast.....

    I find sound is better with EAX off & sound is to be improved in the patch.

    As I understand it the scenarios are basically puzzles, and like all puzzles there is a desire to keep going back till you have it solved.

    I'm waiting for the patch then will buy if the major flaws (esp LOS/LOF) are sorted.

  6. As a CM player & modder (Limey)its taken me a loooong time to get to grips with this game, but yesterday everything clicked and now I think its fantastic. Getting the camera set up properly was the big thing for me. I reckon those people who have criticised the game just havn't tried hard enough or long enough to get to understand it. Sure, it has faults, like every game, but you can rest assured that BFC WILL ensure anything that can be fixed will be fixed.

    There are loads of awesome things about this game but the best part for me is targetting an enemy tank, then zooming the camera onto the target and watching bits fly off as the shells hit home. A great damage model and really cinematic to watch.

    If you had to pick one thing you like best what would it be?

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