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Posts posted by Muppetry

  1. I've been really impressed by the campaign so far, but this level is a massive disappointment.

    Firstly, even though I got a Total Victory on part 1, the briefing implies it was a loss and my scout team was wiped out.

    Secondly, WTF is with the starting positions? Would US forces really advance so close to Syrian defenses in the desert without noticing them? Immediately coming under fire from ATGMs 300m away on such a constrained map feels incredibly cheap.

  2. Almost got a total victory with 5 dead, but then unwisely advanced 3rd Platoon across the open ground and they got hit by RPGs and slaughtered. Turned out I didn't need them to advance anyway as there was almost no one left to kill at the Special Forces HQ.

    Miscellaneous things I found useful -

    1) Don't kill the suicide bomber unless you have to or he's near other enemy units.(very gamey, but 1 shot, 5 kills is damn satisfying.)

    2) Putting your sniper team on the 2 buildings outside the main gate can spot quite a few of the enemy squads lying in ambush.

    3) Prioritise killing the regulars and special forces. Very few of the insurgents can kill vehicles.

    4) Once the area's clear, setting up a platoon + snipers on the roof of the Airforce HQ reaps dividends in the form of massed enemy corpses.

    5) Use the Javelin to kill dangerous enemy squads from long range.

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