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Owen Wills

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Everything posted by Owen Wills

  1. I'm curious if the Kursk game can be combined with the original game set in North Africa so that you could have your battle seasoned troops continue their enlistment in a campaign from North Africa to Western RUSSIA? With a few decorations of course! With just a little tweaking of the Misson/Campaign Editor? Sorry, if this is a redundant question.
  2. Hello, Could someone tell me if this Massive Mod Download is for TOW or TOW2? If it is for TOW2 those multi-level buildings that are featured in it will allow infantry throughout them?
  3. So, Photo shop is able to open them without converting them?
  4. Hello, Has anyone come across a freeware program that converts TGA to JPEG (or GIFF)and back? I would like to try messing around with a image editor I have come across but it doesn't edit TGA files that the TOW maps come in.
  5. I am assuming this can be done. I am trying to insert the Missions that make up the Moscow Camp. into the overall USSR Camp. and I am having trouble. First All: 1. Do you need Dr. Jones Tool to do it? 2. How do you unlock the Mission files from 'Read Only'? I tried to unlock the whole file tree through Explorer but no go. 3. Do I need to make copies of the individual missions? Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Yes Please. I would really like to know how to even make a copy of an existing map and manipulate that so I don't screw-up the real one used by the game.
  7. So you're saying 'rofl' that if you want to create a new mission you have to use a current map 'as is' otherwise none of the other missions associated with that map will be the same again if you do edit the map?
  8. I have been trying to create copies of maps so I don't screw up the existing ones, but unable to get the Map Editor to recognize them. I must be doing something wrong. It looks to me that the Map Editor has no ‘Save As’ feature; so what I have been doing is going into the Map Folder in ‘Windows Explorer’ and creating copies of the map files that way, but when I go back into the Map Editor to open and modify these new map files they are not shown in the drop-down list. So I was hoping that some one could tell me the correct way to produce new maps (in the sense of adding statics, trees, trenches, etc.) from the ones provided in the game? It is my understanding that you need to create a new map for each scenario/mission you create unless you want the same (trees, trenches, statics, etc.) in the same locations for all the missions using this map. Or are you editing some other file associated with the map file that actual stores the information of the trees, trenches, statics and etc. per a particular mission?
  9. Has anyone come across any TOW fan sites with the usual: mods, homemade missions, extras? Just curious; I haven't seen any.
  10. Firebird76, Out of curiousity at what difficultly setting were using for the Polish campaign?
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