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Posts posted by Steinfisch

  1. I placed soldiers on mine locations for better identification. And then load and save... . But I think, the mines have been at the same location every time.

    If they dont want the minefields to be cleared, I dont understand why this is part of a secondary objective.

    I hope they introduce pioneers with this ability with the patch. The artillery do not really let the mines explode.

  2. 1. It woud be great if the z axis movement (ground to sky, mouse wheel) would be logarithmical. Near the ground the steps should be smaller than at greater distances.

    2. The "lock to unit" view (return key) should be fixed to 1.6 to 1.8 m not 1m or 2m.

  3. In reality they got fresh ammo, in reality they repaired their tanks, in reality they had medics, and in reality they didn't pay 45$ to be allowed to sit in a tank and die in it.

    So give us the opportunity to leave the frontline.

    @Scheer -welcome-

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