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Easy 8

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    TX ARNG 11B (B 2/142 INF)

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  1. One example is "A Crossroad Hamlet Assault", which I downloaded from the repository section for CMSF base game. Another is "One Night in Waziristan". Neither of them show up under "battles" when the game is run. Turns out the campaign was for CMSF:Marines, so my bad on that one. I did however just grab a 3rd scenario from the CMSF base game repository (Choke Point), and that one works. So perhaps the first two were erroneously put in the base game section.
  2. Have downloaded a couple of scenarios and a campaign for CMSF (installed and patched to v 1.08) but can't get them to run. I extracted the .cam or .btt files into the Combat Mission Shock Force / Game Files / Campaigns or /Scenarios folders, but they don't show up in the game. If I start the scenario editor, I can see the files when I browse but the game won't let me load them. Am I missing something?
  3. Perhaps some sort of compromise could be made on this issue? For example, a squad/team's default movement formation would be based on the type of movement command issued. Example: for a "hunt" command the squad would move in a wedge formation. For a "move" command the squad could move in a column, etc. Fire team and squad formations are too important to small unit tactics to be outright ignored.
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