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Everything posted by GeneralChaos

  1. Hmmm.. come to think of it, I did order them to move from one side of the building to the other. Can't remember exactly when though. I don't remember their experience level, but I almost always use regular troops against the A.I. Meaning they could've been green. Also, they had no HQ.
  2. Well, I don't have any screenshots, but I used the map editor to set up almost the exact same situation, and this time around they behaved like they should have. They fired at the advancing enemy rifle squads as soon as they stepped within the arc. I was going to post all the screenshots of my test, but I ran it several times with the same result. For those of you curious, here is what the area looked like. http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/9530/example1qp0.th.jpg' alt='example1qp0.th.jpg'> Apparantly during my QB game when I first noticed this there was something else to it. I know my MG squads spotted the enemy themselves, because I could draw the line of sight tool from my MG out to the enemy, and it would tell me information about the contact. The only thing I can think of at this point is that they had low ammo and I hadn't realised it. Or it's possible that during the action phase, they fired, shook up the enemy squads, they sneaked off, thereby losing contact, but still seeing them due to my other nearby squads.
  3. Hi all, In a quick battle game where I was defending, I had a few MG units inside a building with a cover arc set to the right side of the building. Enemy infantry would crawl in and out of the cover arcs but my machine gunners never seemed to fire. They had LOS everywhere within the arc, were not pinned/panicked, and had ammo. Yet, in the orders phase, I never see them targeting any enemy units within their arc. I always end up having to target them manually. Also in the action phase, they had no target lines to any enemy units either. Only when I do it manually. So, if units fire on enemies within their cover arcs, will I see targeting lines? Or am I misusing cover arcs?
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