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Posts posted by DeLaVega

  1. In the german campaign the game crashes in the Citadel mission. Even the saved games are not stable and crash after a while or direct after loading the map.

    It goes back to the desktop with the message:

    Fatal Error: Crash during termination

    But I haven`t terminated anything, except a few T-34. :-(

    Seems I cannot continue this mission at all.


  2. Yes, I have read the readme. But I understood that if I just want to join in I haven`t make the configurations as a host needs to do.

    I think it won`t work without problems, but I wanted to try it out.

    I used yahoo in the past ...and in the paster past also ICQ. Hm, do I have to reanimate it? :)

  3. Has anyone played the german campaign mission "Battle at Seliger" yet? There you can really see that trees don`t effect LOS. After you placed your units, they directly begin firing at the enemy trench. In their line are at least 15 trees and whatever is growing there.

    This is really a pity, cause it limits the possibilities.

  4. Hm, most times I let them prone just to hide them around where I placed them. If I really need to fight with them, I clear as much trenches as I can with my tanks and then let them assault with the "storm" order.

    So, they won`t even have time to reload. :)

    Heldentod included, of course.

  5. user73:

    1)Sometimes, when an AI AT gun hits directly I also think that the AI is cheating. Then I quickload the savegame :) and play this situation again and then my tank hits the AT gun with one shot. Then the AI quickloads again ...

    2)You shouldn`t cry in front of your troops. Be a good example as a Panzervernichter.

    3)A few hours ago I told you I would use tanks. Hm. In the meantime I faced a mission in which you only have PzIIf which one can hardly call a tank. Ok, long story short. At the end they had neither the ammo nor the power to destroy the russian T-60. So even I had to use the infantry. Only in manning the russian AT guns I could win this mission, yet 60 men of the 80 went to better places. Even with quickloading 9 times per minute I couldn`t save them. :) The AAR said: 44 minutes. But I think it was more than 3 hours I used. Still, couldn`t save the 60.

    I haven`t met this gun-reloading problem yet, you mentioned. Maybe, because I`m too busy checking if my tanks are still alive.

    Ah, I almost forgot:

    Just now I play the Citadel mission. Tigers against T-34 V.1.0, nothing special. But most of the T-34 just swallow the 8,8 cm shell. Sometimes they need to be hit 4-5 times to get knocked out. Hm, cheating?

    But the non-whiners here would say:

    Of course, if the T-34 gets too close the relative low velocity of the 8,8 cannot penetrate and this is how they attacked the Tiger for. But, they don`t even have one scratch and the textures aren`t showing any damage.

    As if the T-34 just opens one hatch and ...


  6. I think this game is about tanks. Therefore I "sell" all infantry except the locked ones and use tanks. The locked ones I park at the end of the map. One guy of them volunteers as a scout. He will prone to the front, checks everything. The tanks will do the rest. With gunner points at 100 they can shoot the AT gun crews right between the eyes. ;)

  7. Trenches.

    At first I played the Whirlwind Mission. It was the one from the video (what I realized afterwards) and had a hill with ...trenches.

    Then I started the german campaign, I am in the fourth or fifth mission now and everytime you have to attack trenches. The only change is the scripted arrive of reinforcements which brings some sort of small tank battles.

    As I posted somewhere else, I really hope that not all missions include trenches. What about meeting engagements? Did someone have such kind of mission yet?

    If there should be only missions with trenches it would be really a lack of replayability, fun and ... mission design. :-(

  8. Since the cam movement is almost exactly as in Silent Hunter 3 and 4, which I play(ed) a lot, I have to say that it`s okay for me. Although a free adjustment like in the "Total War" series would be a plus for everyone who isn`t familiar with the cam movement yet.

  9. My dearest Tommy`s, please don`t get too mad about the voice recording. For us krauts it`s not easy either.

    Seems one guy dubbed the whole platoon. Yet I still haven`t figured out if he lowered his voice by himself or someone on a PC did? :)

    Although I`m quite in the mood for some nice Oxfordian impressions within this game. Mixed with some roaring scottish Highlander samples on a mild flavoured Irish blend.

  10. Marc Anton:

    I use the Download Express Download Manager now. Before I had 30 KBs, now it`s around 150-200.

    If you just started try to cancel the download (I did it 2 times) install Download Express, restart the browser and press the download link with the right mouse button. Afterwards choose Download with Download Express.

    Should work fine, too.

  11. Ehm, I`m not sure, if I`m right here, but the thread said something about a demo review, so I want to put a little review here, if it`s okay.

    Hm, actually I can`t just start without saying something to crazylegsmurphy`s posts, but in my opinion he just tells it like it is. The game has the "better release now than never" taste and the arrows do look ugly. :)

    But as someone who plays "Hearts of Iron" and "Take Command: 2nd Manassas" I also do look for the inner beauty.

    The tank graphics of ToW I love, the first Tiger screenshot had the buy it stamp already on it. About the sounds I posted enough.

    What I don`t like is the little feedback you get from your units. While I`m moving with the cam over the battlefield I don`t pay attention to "Karl bla bla bla" was killed. But that "Karl whatever" was the driver of the Panther, meaning the whole tank was killed, makes me feel that I missed something. ...what I missed indeed. :)

    In CM the men and tanks gave more response to the battlefield (in my opinion). But the repeated "Our tracks are damaged" everytime you come by this damaged tank gives me the feeling that another one was hit.

    Aren`t there any markers/ arrows to show from what unit an own unit is attacked? Since I often zoom out and don`t see the traces of the firefights I was wondering where the gun/ tank fire came from.

    In the moment the game looks a little like a shootout from starting positions. Since you have trenches in the tutorial, in the Seelow mission, in the released screenshots and videos, I really hope that the battles won`t be so static all the time and are about movement. Because with the easy to destroy AT guns it`s not necessary to go around them and attack from behind.

    I really hope the full version has a nice variety of engagements.

    Two questions remain from reading the manual:

    What does b/m stand for in the small unit window to the right, above the main interface window (where all the armor is listed).

    And what do the small red/ orange icons stand for which are placed on the left side of this unit window?

  12. I really hope what you all guys said that it`s just an AT-thing of this particular mission. Because of this tutorial incident I haven`t taken any AT guns in the Seelow heights mission yet.

    And as I posted in another thread: Michael Wittmann should have said that in his opinion a silenced AT gun should count double (in the "kill list"), because they are so hard to knock out (from his experiences at the russian front). At least in this tutorial it`s not simulated at all.

    That brings me to the cover and concealment point. In the Seelow heights mission I witnessed a shootout of two tanks and between them were 4 bushes. As I moved the cam down to them I couldn`t see anything, but the russian tank knocked the german out with one shot. :-( Suppression through bushes yes, but such a kill gives me the impression that everything what is placed on the battlefield has only a cosmetic purpose. Hope in the full version I can find out the opposite.

  13. Intel Core Duo E6600, 2 GB Corsair RAM, Nvidia 8800 GTX

    Turned to 1280*960, but comparing that to 1024*768 I think the game was actually made for the lower resolution. At first the unit window at the bottom of the screen seemed very small to me. Still undecided in which resolution I should play. Not to mention the small letters, even on my 20" screen.

    When I focused the small "town" at the end of the map of the second tutorial mission (think it was combat tactics) and ran with the cam through it the performance dropped noticeable. I tried the same thing with 2nd Core switched off and it ran smooth.

    Either my processor (although from last years november) is too old to be "one of the new core duo`s") or this rule applies for every core duo in the moment, but others still have to figure out. So, every Core Duo user, try this out for even smoother play in villages and towns. :)

  14. Kettenhund:

    Ich mag Deine Sound-Wertung im "Post your ratings" Thread. :)

    Ein bißchen krass, aber na ja. Die Wahrheit ist manchmal eben so. :)

    Wie schon gesagt, bei Combat Mission war ich irgendwie sofort in der Atmosphäre. Ob auf meine Infanterie geschossen wurde, Artillerie irgendwo einschlug oder ein feindlicher Panzer auf einen von mir geschossen hat. Sofort im Bilde über alles. Bei ToW fühle ich mich ein bißchen wie an einem Sonar. Immer die Angst, ein Geräusch überhört zu haben (und weil man gerade die Kettenanimationen eines Panthers genießt, verpasst man ganz, dass die eigenen Truppen gerade überrannt wurden), weil sich alles irgendwie gleich anhört.

    Hoffe, es kommen ein paar Sound-Mods von Leuten, die ein Händchen dafür haben.

  15. Hi Leute,

    habe auch ge-pre-ordered und würde natürlich auch für MP Spiele zur Verfügung stehen. :)

    Jetzt wollte ich aber dennoch gerne noch was zur Demo loslassen und mich auch dafür interessieren, was ihr (ehrlich) über das Spiel denkt (Demo und anschließend Vollversion), denn diese "alles is so rosarot super und das beste Spiel, was ich je gesehen habe" Posts kann ich auch nicht mehr lesen.

    Nach ein paar Stunden Demo-Spielzeit finde ich die Missionen etwas unausbalanciert. Ich habe die zweite oder dritte Tutorial Mission (Defense Tactics) drei oder vier Mal begonnen und bin immer gescheitert. Und meines Erachtens kann man da ja nicht wirklich viel Taktik anbringen. Habe auch, wie es in einem Post steht, die PAK`s an die Schützengräben gestellt, die Besatzung sofort in den Graben geschickt und als die Panzer näher dran waren, die übriggebliebenen Männer die PAK`s bemannen lassen. Aber die zweite Welle konnte ich so nicht mehr abwehren. Und das ist einer meiner größten Kritikpunkte. Die PAK`s sind zu schnell zerstörbar, treffen allerdings nicht annähernd wie die KI. Warum kann man die PAK`s nicht tarnen und Combat Mission mäßig warten lassen, bis die Gegner näher herangekommen sind?

    Michael Wittmann soll gesagt haben, dass er der Meinung ist, abgeschossene PAK`s doppelt zu zählen (im Vergleich zu Panzerabschüssen), da sie so schwer zu bekämpfen sind. Bei der ToW Demo habe ich das Gefühl, die sind bloß Kanonenfutter. Wie seht ihr das?

    Ach ja, und Moon, wie ich schon etliche Male gepostet habe, die Sounds sind auch in "echt" nicht so der Bringer. ;) Wenn die Verletzten schreien, weiß ich manchmal gar nicht, ob meine Leute getroffen wurden oder der Feind. Glaube, die Lautstärke ist bei beiden gleich, egal, wo sie sich auf der Karte befinden. :) Außerdem fehlt ein Sound, welcher das Einschlagen von Gewehrprojektilen verdeutlicht. Man bekommt vom Sound her keine Rückmeldung, wie es um die eigenen Truppen steht oder ob sie unter Feuer liegen. Die Animationen der Panzer sind allerdings sehr gelungen. Auch die Texturen für Durchschüsse an unterschiedlichen Stellen (passend zum Ein -und Austritt des Geschosses) gefallen mir sehr. Schade nur, dass der Bodenbewuchs so nah vor der Kamera "aufpoppt" (auf vollen Details). Hoffe, in der Vollversion werden noch andere Missionstypen zu finden sein, als "greife den gegnerischen Schützengraben an". Und wo kann man sehen, in welchen Abstand sich der Feind befindet? (habe ich vielleicht übersehen) Und warum kämpfen die deutschen Truppen am Fuße der Seelower Höhen? Da waren doch eigentlich (ausschließlich) die russischen Angreifer. Wahrscheinlich ein Spähtrupp, dem man vergessen hat zu sagen, dass es Mittagessen aufm Berg gibt. :)

  16. Reichenberg:

    Quite challenging? I mean the original release was 4-5 months ago, if I`m right. What have they done until now, except translations? Somehow I`m really wondering what`s going on there in the secret labs.

    Before the release of IL-2 there was a demo (I think 2 months earlier). "Soldiers of World War 2", "Faces of War" had a demo, too. Actually all the games where 1C was involved which I know. But this one now...

    Can only be the best WW2 game ever ...or the opposite.

    Let`s hope for the first.

  17. Ha, in Germany it`s afternoon now. Came back from work, just switched on the PC, went online and directly to the BFC page and ... no progress at all. The page looks exactly like 4 days ago. Hm, guess if it`s released tonight I`m in the middle of my few hours sleep. :-( Then I could start downloading tomorrow morning, go to work only to realize in the afternoon that the download wasn`t finished ...

    And if it`s really 11.59 pm tomorrow then it`s already the 19th in Germany and not much with "getting it in advance". Yeah, they cannot take care for every timezone, but this brings me to the topic of "downloads will be available earlier". An endless story. Maybe next time I`ll just wait with my order until the first mods arrive.

  18. Hello all,

    I`m 34 and one of the few Krauts here. If I`m not working for my job, or on my screenplays, or on my planned short-films (by the way: one of them plays before the background of the Battle of the Bulge and I`m still looking for sponsors or production companies to back this project up :) ) I use my PC-time mostly for strategic games or simulations.

    The first Combat Mission Part I only found by accident and was happy to get it, because for me it had the best tank textures and wargame atmosphere at this time.

    The atmosphere is what attracts me, therefore I also play Company of Heroes. As I posted it already somewhere else: The first tactical game where I turned the volume up. The 105mm artillery barrages made me feel pity for the men who were caught by it.

    But since these games are dominated by 11 y/o, who can beat you in 13 minutes (How the hell do they do it???), I hope the online matches of ToW are left to us. :)

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