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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by user73

  1. Hello Honch,

    liked your scenario very much, great work!

    but a few thoughs on how to make it even better(played on axis at intermed and 1 XP for allies):

    - possible to use a bigger map (may be thrawns map)

    - Submarines are only paperboats without use, because they can't watch very far to avoid incomming destroyers and the hunters are like they always know where you are

    - what about starting at 1938 or early 1939 with spanish civil war to gain more experienced units (tanks and aircraft) or the anex of Czech Republic to gain more modern units like PzKw38(t) for Italy maybe the possiblity to chose in invasion of Albania and send troops to Spain or Ethiopia

    - possiblity to put "special" units into like SS troops instead of Brandenburger or PzGren Div ? maybe tougher but only regiment or brigade level

    - Reducement of menpower in artyunits to 5 to reflect they were no "army" but just brigades?

    - make airdefense unit also be able to attack landbased units(think of the 88mm flak) ?

    - make building up bunker a little bit faster

  2. Hmm,

    - just a few new campaingns

    - the "many more... features" are not found or did you mean the not very nice eye-candy(like the stamps) in the menus ?

    - the new map for "storm of steel" features on the one hand a nice part of the USA but on the other hand Europe is still too small and inaccurate. Danzig (or Gdansk) is missing completely so where is the reason for war ? Wilhemshafen a big Submarinebase in WW II is missing too, the whole distances are too small and so on... Ever played the campaign "Europe Theatre" by Thrawn ? This is how Europe should look like, hopefully he will update his campaign for PdE some day.

    - The new decision making events just contain five events in "Storm of Steel" ? After I saw this, I didn't feel to try out the other campaigns, because I fell deceived. Or are these just bugs and thre will be worked on ?

    Excuse me for the bad english but I´m german

  3. Platoon crusher realise russians lost around 13 millon didn`t no if you got a better killrate on us germans but when it was because of bombing civilians, I would say. As someone mentioned america brought quantity but no quality ... And I think even today the Leopard Tank win the mach against the M1 Tank .... And realize the gunabarelle of the M! is a license productin of a german "panzerschmiede" think its Krupp-Thyssen

    [ April 28, 2007, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: user73 ]

  4. Hmm, you say some vehicles haven´t made it into game because they were so rare ? 101 SdKfz 234/2 "Puma" were produced and around 200 of the version 234/1 hmm, ok, very rare and uncommon.

    And the "jagdtiger" were massproduced right ? Oh, just around 80 pieces hmm ok... same goes for these very funny looking antiaircraft tank only a few were wuld and have ever seen on the battelfield. But ok, I will never understand how the developers decide which unit makes it in and which not, must be have something to do with the size of the units... ah the jagdtiger is big - goes in or so... .

    But thats not my problem, the game suffers form varius other problems as there are:

    - non or wrong animations :leftie problem, going up to kneel while reloding, grapping amunition form nowehre to reload the guns (ok, not realy nessacary)

    - very bad managed LOS/LOF

    - no inderect fireing

    - stupid pathfinding




    I´ve written down these things in a lot more post and I´m tiered...

  5. SO dann will ich auch noch ein wirklich Letztes Mal meinen Senf auf Deutsch dazugeben, auf Englisch hab ich es ja schon mehrfach in den verschiedensten Topics getan smile.gif .

    Tja was soll man sagen die Anfangseuphorie hat sich gelegt was bleibt ist die Ernüchterung.

    Marc hat es ja schon sehr ausführlich beschrieben so das ich nur ein paar Dinge noch ergänzen möchte.

    - Taktisches vorgehen auf den Karten nahezu nicht möglich durch eine sehr wirre und kaum zu durchschauende LOS/LOF Regelung. Die Panzer kriechen übers Gelände und werden von (ich hab mal im Editor geschaut) von "Soldaten der stufe "regular" also nicht mal Elite mit einem Schuss durch Büsche, Bäume etc gekillt ohne das man es selbst großartig nachvollziehen könnte. Infanteristen kriechen munter los um sobald sie Nachladen aufzustehen und ebenfalls gekillt zu werden, wer sich das ausgedacht hat naja...

    - Mit Panzern kann man kein indirektes Feuer auf Regionen legen, mag sein das der Knopf "areafire" dafür gedacht ist bekomme aber trotzdem die Meldung "no clear line of sight" ok, soll er ja auch gar nicht haben ...

    - Stellungswechsel mit Panzern kaum möglich, für normal würde ich es halten, das man einem Panzer befehlen könnte nach einem Schuss sich ein Stück rückwärts zu bewegen um sich eine neue Feuerposition zu suchen, selbst in so schlichten Spielen wie Panzers ist das möglich, hier muss man erst auf einen "retreat" Knopf drücken, dann mal locker eine halbe Minute warten( der Fahrer sucht wohl den Rückwärtsgang) um dann zu sehen das der Panzer nicht Rückwärts fährt, sondern erstmal schön auf dem "Teller" dreht um sich dann aus dem Staub zu machen ,wenn er bei dieser ewig dauernden Aktion nicht schon zersiebt wurde.

    - Fehlende Befehlsketten für Fahrbefehle machen die Navigation von Fahrzeugen und Infanterie zu einer Sisyphusarbeit und nerven einfach nur.

    - Eine miese beziehungsweise kaum vorhandene KI steigern den Frust ins kaum vorstellbare, wenn z. B. der Panzer dem man befohlen hatte seine Position zu halten meint er müsste mal wieder seinen Posten verlassen und mal gucken was so auf der anderen Seite des Hügels los ist... Gleiches gilt für die Infanterie bei der meist als erstes der Truppführer (Unteroffizier) meint er müsste mal losgehen und gucken wo er sich eine Kugel einfangen kann.

    - Im vorangegangen Punkt hatte ich "gehen" geschrieben, weil das auch so ein Punkt ist, die Soldaten, rennen nicht, sie gehen allenfalls. Gab da mal so einen Spruch:"Hier gibt es nur Gleichschritt oder Laufschritt wobei letzteres zu bevorzugen ist..." andererseits ist es ohnehin ziemlich egal schätzte ich da sie eh recht fix niedergemacht werden egal wie sie sich bewegen( ich sag nur die tolle Nachladeaktion) ...

    - Artillerieschläge, leider bringen die nicht wirklich was, ok, wenn der Gegner im Graben sitzt ist das einzusehen aber außerhalb ? Da sitzt eine PAK Mannschaft im tollsten Granatenhagel, duckt sich nicht mal und bekommt auch nichts ab ... Hallo? Geht´s noch ? Da könnte man das auch gleich lassen. Mal davon abgesehen das es leider verpennt wurde solche Sachen wie Rauch einzubauen.

    Mein Fazit bis jetzt:

    + Schöne und ansehnliche Grafik

    - miserable KI(Wegfindung,Befehle "vergesen", etc) - langweiliges Missionsdesign(immer nur Gräben erobern? Spielt das hier im 1.WK oder 2.WK?)

    - massive Logikfehler(nachladen, rückwärts fahren, etc)

    Also was bleibt? Warten auf einen oder mehrere Patches die vielleicht das ein oder andere beheben und sich mal wieder überlegen ob es letztendlich das Geld wert war. Solange wanderte das Spiel erstmal auf die Wartebank, denn frustrieren muss ich mich nicht unbedingt von einem Spiel lassen, da gibt es so schon genügend andere Sachen.

    Naja schauen wir mal was kommt, vielleicht gibt es ja in den nächsten Jahren mal wieder ein Spiel welches es schafft mich vom Hocker zu reißen. Wir sind ja noch jung ...

  6. @FaxisAxis: Who are you ? An studied Expert? Or just someone who has nothing else to do as typing "semi qualified" meanings ? So what is the color ?

    @DeLaVega sure what time and when but I warn you I m not a verry good mp player. And not sure if I´m having time on weekend to play but lets see...

  7. HrHr .. nice

    just watch your infantry prone and fireing, once there ammo is emtpy the will go up to kneeling position reload watch the very nice landscape (I mean it :D ) and get shoot or if lucky get prone again ... thrust me ... and this is anoying because nobody with only a miligramm of brain would take his head up in a real dangarous situation ... or am I false perhaps they like to die in the "heldentod" ?

  8. Hey Moon,

    can you tell me if the thing with the soldiers wich are going into kneeling form prone while reloding will be adressed to ? That would be realy nice!

    Thanks ...

    Oh and forget : Have a good weekend for you, Madmatt and the entire team, make a rest !!

    [ April 20, 2007, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: user73 ]

  9. Surely a tactic thats works DeLaVega and my problems with the infantry are nearly solved the problems consisted of a few things, I´ll try to resume :

    1) It´s only psychology, means I have the illusion that the AI is cheating. Maybe possible can´t say, don´t know how the AI was programmed so everything is possible ... :D

    2) I´m just a whiner that has no idea of WWII warfare, yeap, I was never in WWII, thank god! I´m too young, but I servered in the german army and was partly trained after infantry tactics of WWII (Panzervernichtungstrupp, etc) and fired my gun and so on. So hmm, maybe my hopes were just too high, maybe ... :rolleyes:

    3)and last I think this is the soloution the infantry partly acts as stupid as the truckdriver whh tries to drive down a tree... watch them when they reload !!! they go up and thats the time when they got shoot !!! The regular rifleman does it, the machinegunner and the officer. Nobody would ever try to put his head out off the "cover" just to reload or am I false ? It´s just suicide .... Lost a platton while watching them fireing at the first trench, covered in a field, everytime they get up to reload - bang- wounded - reload- bang ser. wounded- reload- bang - dead :confused:

    So I think this is one reason why the infantry is not very useable, the other is ther acting without or against orders. :mad: (this emoticon belongs to the against orders ...)

    So all I ask is please look into these issues and perhaps make them right...

  10. AH, "It's psychology" ok, accepted, the games works fine, no one cheats and I was false on my opinon and views (seems I need new glasses or something), oh and thanks for the money moon, btw ...(hope you like sarcasm smile.gif )

    [ April 20, 2007, 06:06 AM: Message edited by: user73 ]

  11. Originally posted by Moon:

    ... It's a fact - your own guns always shoot less accurate than the enemy smile.gif

    This is always a good indication that the hitting routines are balanced.


    Aha, so you mean you programmed the AI to cheat, this explains how they can look throu bushes, trees and even hills and place a nearly 100% accourate hit,nice to know ... where can this been solved or is it hardcoded ? I don´t like it if the AI is cheating (don´t even like if anyone is cheating :mad: )
  12. @Elmar : ok, tested the thing with the range meter, and the range when my inf. were killed was allways und 400m ok, an explaination why they were so easy killed. Allthou it woulb be nice to get knowlege on how skilled the polish soldiers are.

    The other things with the machinegunner who comes up to reload, Antitankguns wich fires trough bushes and trees with nearly 100% accuracy (is it possible that if the enemy has a scout, a lonely polish tankdriver walks throu the bushes, is the reason for the accurate shoots ?)hmm, still don´t know why...

    @ SirHurl :Tried also the thing with the grenades, on the trenches not the tanks, works nice.

    But thanks for your tipps...

  13. @FaxisAxis: I´ve served in army and fired a rifle (G3, G36), machinegun( MG3, on bipod and tripod), Panzerfaust (Panzerfaust3, drove a truck and drove something like a tank(TPz Fuchs). I would say I have no idea of what the effective fighting range for the KAR98K( or the polish rifle) was but I don´t think it was better than the G3 wich is around 500m. Am I qualified to post my thoughts on realism ? Or do I need to study in history on WWII first ? smile.gif

    Yes you are right we have to learn how things work in this game, no matter if an AT-gun fires indirect on my tanks ( position behind a little hill and moving ) and hits with every shoot its a little hmmm... :(

    And yes, beside all the lacking things in my opinion it´s still a nice game, whats the problem in this ?

  14. I`ve got some questions on the gameplay:

    I´m playing an veteran level. Things I saw or noticed on the first german mission...

    1. Why are the AT-guns fireing with such an accuracy even if they have no line of sight to my advancing tanks (PzKw II, IV)? They were killed nearly instantly by the guns and they do not even shoot back because it says "no clear line of sight ? Have they X-ray sights or is the KI cheating?(I think it´s the second...)

    2. What use has the infantry ? They were killed on a far, far distance (bad to guess but I would say at about more than 800m, depolyment point to first trench) even if they go prone ? Ok, in the rifle fireranges is writen 2000m range but has anyone of you ever fired a rifle and tried to hit something? 250m to 400m would be realistic but 2000m ??? With a MG it would be possible to hit something at about 2000 but a rifle, don´t guess so or do they all have sniper abilitys and scopes?

    3. Why can´t the infantry reload there weapons while prone ? I saw my machinegunner always goes up to kneeling saying "hello!!" and got shoot ... very anoying...(because it´s very hard work to get him into range, line of sight and all this without getting shoot...)Don´t remember if the other infantry also goes up and give a nice target but I guess so, the thing with the wrong animation was posted I think? (they seem to be all lefties and even if they don´t have a rifle they try to span it, seen on an Unteroffizier with his P38 I think)

    4. Why are the tanks or crews so stupid that they can´t follow an order ? I tell them to hold position, I move to another hotspot, go back to the tanks and what are they doing ? Right, moving into some stupid position to get killed :rolleyes: isn´t the button not working all the time or whats going on ? (Is there a hidden button too shoot some of them because of the refusal to obey my orders ? Perhaps the rest would learn ...)

    5. Someone else allready posted it but why are there no waypoint chains, in reality I would tell my tankcommander: move straight 100m then turn left to the trees and hold fire until enemy comes in range... here it´s click click hmm, **** it doesn´t move, hmmm click ahh it´s moving again ... BANG!! (tank is hit indirect by antitank gun at hmm 2500m and destroyed :eek: ) urghs ...

    6. The trees, its nice to see the tanks move down trees but is it nessecary to move down ervery tree they find ? I think every real tankdriver would think twice before ramming an tree (becouse of dammage to the trees or the own head if the commander takes his pistol and shoots him right into the same because he is driving so stupid :D

    Same things for the truckdrivers, if you think this is real, please take your car and try to move down the next tree you find ... no not the 50cm high one form you neighbor :D

    That´s all for now, besides this nice game, oh, nearly forget to mention: the sound is a little bit too unspectacular. Hope some things were adressed to fixed in an patch or something...

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