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Posts posted by Primarch

  1. Thanks for the info however I have 2 follow up questions

    1.b. How many round can it hould outside the autoloader

    2.b. Does anyone know where i can find a technical decription of the autoloader

    M8 a competitor?!?!?!?! If I remember right the M8 program was killed 10 years in FY 96 or 97(when i was still not a teenager)

  2. The problem I have with putin is that his approval numbers are artifically high. This is do to that a strange curse affecting anyone in the press that critizes him. He doesnt face the same investigative scurtiny that Bush does. I personally hate bush with a vengance snd take a lot of pride in that my first ever voting cycle i got to vote against but I would rather have him than putin.

    (damn it this doesnt bode well 3rd post and im allready in a flame war sorry)

  3. The RPG-29 is also the weapon reponsible for the first pentration(that i know about) of a challenger 2 tank. The round pentrated the lower front hull and toke out the drivers lower leg through ERA http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbforums/archive/index.php/t-10136.html

    Since john beat me to the link to the RPG-29 page on world guns I would like know if the warhead PG-7VR for the the RPG-7 http://world.guns.ru/grenade/gl02-e.htm (that is the same in the RPG-29) will be in game.

    PS as a uber liberal even i can see that the "outrage" in my source article over the british not reporting this pentration of their MBT is completly and totally unreasonable.

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