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Everything posted by alexdblade

  1. I'm trying to zoom in with my mouse but it takes me forever. I wonder if there was a more effective way to do it. Ps the camara just takes the life out of this game.
  2. Everything that is produced with outside money is controlled, and you got to keep it on schedule. In a big budge movie 60+ mills, every day on set cost about 300k or more. Small movies 5-15 mills, we get insurance, if we fall behind schedule, the insurance takes over and finish the movie with a new crew. Every movie from Starwars to Pulp Fiction has been made like that.
  3. Hopefully noone is paying you guys becasue honestly this is a joke. Last year we were filming a small 10 million movie and they were behind schedule by 13 days, those 13 days cost us 1.4 million. I'm never again hiring that director again. If I was the producer of this game I would fire everyone on it, and find someone who can finish it on schedule.
  4. I wonder if it would be be possible to make a world campaign. I bet if they could combine this engine with something like doomsday for the campaign map, the game would sell millions of copies!
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