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Everything posted by Risasi

  1. Funny... G7000 eh? Haven't seen one. I wonder if the carts could be ported. I took all my old atari stuff and dumped it to floppy disks once I got my Commodore, just ran it via an emulator. That was the beginning of the end for me. I started messing with the C64's, then Apple II, then parked my butt at IBM clones and didn't look at consoles again until the PS2 came out. Anyway, this game sounds interesting. At this point I'm going to have to run the demo and just check it out. I like in-depth, simulation stuff like this. But it still has to be fun, AND run well. I'll check it out and be back to post my take. Thanks for the help so far guys.
  2. Yeah, but what happens when it's 20 guys on a network all trying to authenticate? IMO That's a bad anti-piracy scheme. Any attempt to stop it, even this one will fail. First thing I'd do is pop a packet sniffer on one of our routers and start picking out the traffic. But this is silly, this doesn't make me want to pirate the game, makes me want to look elsewhere... It's retro perhaps, but you must understand I am a burned out online gaming junkie. My first computer was a VIC-20, my second a C64. I used to have about 2500 games on my C64 when a kid. Anyway long story short I used to play the BBS game, jump on Netrek, then in the early 90's the online gaming craze started. After the hacking got going full swing I walked. I don't care for the online gaming communities, my friends and I are all mid 20's to late 30's now, and we get together in various locations. We just don't have the time to play enough to be competitive online. Sorry, we've gone ghost when it comes to the online gaming world.
  3. "LAN play still require Internet Access based on the authentication system deployed." Oh, not cool. Sometimes when we get together an internet connection is not available. Sometimes it is. But I don't want to have to depend upon an "umbilical cord". Scratch this then...
  4. Thanks for the info so far, I have downloaded and installed the demo, just haven't run it yet. I guess that brings a couple of other questions to mind; 1. If it plays more like a FPS/RTT how do multiple players on the same team control the different infantry and vehicles. Are you constantly jumping in a out of some sort of FPS mode to take control of that vehicle. Or is it more of a platoon or squad commander role that occurs? I'm wondering how this translates to say a 6v6 LAN match? Also I guess that makes me wonder how good the AI is. 2. It appears that vehicles and new maps/scenarios can be created. One thing that is sort of a turn off is no aircraft, however I do understand why they have made this "universe" air unfriendly. Even with the huge map size it's still small in light of fast aircraft. What is it 1000km squared? That's about 24x24mi if I haven't forgotten my math. Even a slow WWII prop plane could traverse this distance in a few minutes. You'd have aircraft blipping in and out so fast it would ruin the whole balance of land based tactical warfare. Anyway I said all that because if the AI is decent I was still thinking it would be fun to create some vehicles. Starting with air. But not really directly controlled. I was thinking similar to the squad infantry units that have been added. I'm thinking kind of a hive mentality. Some sort of pod attached to other vehicles that would contain a "swarm" of small, expendable air drones. They get a target designated to them, they then try to go kamikaze the target. We sort of see this happening already. With the drone UAV's the US military is using. Air warfare has come to the point where air travel has rendered a human pilot inferior. Anyway, I'm kind of thinking about making an air unit, if it's possible to add units in this game.
  5. Hello all, I've been searching for many months now. Some of my friends and I get together to play games via LAN play. (Most of us are married now, so only get let off the leash for one night every once in awhile) While we do have a 4Mb internet connection at the location, we generally only play LAN with each other. Here is the deal, we've tried playing more strategic games, but we have reached a critical mass where this does not work so well. Last time we played there were 11 of us. This pretty much limited us to playing FPS, or...FPS. Most of us are also RTS guys, but very rarely will you find a title that supports more than 8 players. On top of that most strategy or tactical games don't play well on a LAN. Here is what I am looking for: 1. Squad-based Tactical or Abstract Strategic control of multiple men/vehicles. 2. Support for more than 8 players. (We never seem to have less than 10 people any more.) 3. Ability to join a game already in progress. (Waiting for a 2 hour RTS to end while at a LAN party sucks, let's not even discuss TBS...) 4. Not so much emphasis on resource building. We prefer a game more like chess, not "who can click faster then the other guy". Certainly resources should play a role though. So every review I have read online indicates this is more like some poor attempt at Battlefield 1942/2142/etc. I gather it's not, but I can't quite figure out how to stereotype this game. Can you guys help me out and sort of set my expectations? ---------- Here is a short list of what I have tried and found lacking: 1. Rise of Nations/Starcraft/AOE's/Homeworld: A little heavy on base building (this could be nerfed by controlling resources obviously), maps are too small, no respawn, no ability to play more than 8. 2. clan-sy's Spring Project: Nice support for up to 24 players, shared armies but...no respawn, still buggy. 3. Ground Control I and II: The good; drop-in game join, squad based tactics, runs on anything. The bad; only supports 8 players. So I'm at an impasse guys. Several of us are Civ fans. I'm a big Close Combat series nut. But the problem is all these games have little in the way of support for a weekend 6-12 hour LAN party binge with a bunch of friends. So, what do you think. Is Dropteam the kind of game I'm looking for, or is it too close to the run of the mill UT Onslaught, or Battlefield Capture the Flag FPS's that are so prevalent today?
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