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Posts posted by vector

  1. Vector, sorry you are mistaken about the Bulge campaign, the 6th SS Pz army in the north had the primary importance and St.Vith was the bottleneck along with the Elsenborn Ridge.(held up 1 SS Pz Corps) esp.12 ss Hitler Hugend.

    Bastogne only took on such importance later as Manteuffels(sp) 5th Pz army had greater success.

    By the way the primary objective was Antwerp with a severe timetable(2 days) to capture the Meuse river bridges. [/QB]

    My mistake, you and the scenario is historically accurate. Wow, I am a huge history buff and never knew this. Thanks.

    More information http://hometown.aol.com/dadswar/bulge/index.htm

  2. 1. Where do you find the scenario objectives? I am playing the Russians at kursk and keep getting stalemates. I beat the crap out of the Germans but don't win. There has got to be a list somewhere of what the objectives are to major and minor victories.

    2. Why isn't Bastone the centerpiece of the battle of the bulge game? I played it a few times and the Germans don't even attack it. This WAS the linchpin to the entire campaign! Every road into the Arden Forest went through Bastone.

  3. - attacker multiplier is now increased 50% for units attacking transports

    Thank god. I could not believe the first time I made 4 upgrade naval units attacks on one German AV unit and it barley scratched the paint!

    Hubert, out of curiosity why didn't you make a rule to where units cannot pass thorough enemy zones of control? I could understand a german panzer unit running around an early russian unit with NO Anti-tank capabilities. But this is very unrealistic when it is facing anti-tank units or armor units. They would not just sit and watch a unit flank it without opening fire and pinning it down.

  4. I find it difficult to build up to the historical German techs to what they actually were in 1945. I spend too much money on units or rebuilding damaged units.

    In your opinion what did Germany reach in SC2 terms?

    1. Aircraft: Is the ME262 considered a "5" in aircraft tech? Or are 1950 jets like the Mig 15 or Saber Jet considered a "5".

    2: Tanks: is the tiger II tank a 5?

    3. Rockets: Is the V2 a "5" in rocketry or something lower? They had a design that could reach NY but it was never built.

    4. U-Boats: Is the Type XXI considered a "5" with auto loaders, radar, sonar, snorkel, etc.

    Anybody on this forum every put out a matrix on what tech level maps to what historical weapon? That would be pretty cool to see.

    Example German Fighter tech level:

    1. FW 187

    2. ME 109B

    3. ME 109G-10

    4. FW 190

    5. ME 262

    I'm not saying the above is correct only providing an example.

  5. My opponent and I downloaded Hamachi and got it going.

    Problem: SC2 is asking us both to put in the allied password on a network game.

    1. I hosted, he joined my network, no problem.

    2. He sent his email turn to me, I took my turn and then I copied it to the network folder.

    3. The game loaded, asked for the allied password (me)and gave me a Hamachi IP address which I gave to my opponent.

    4. However, when he tried to start his game it also asked him for the Allied Password and it looked like it wanted HIM to take my turn.

    5. Thinking we screwed up I sent my turn back to him in PBEM format, he took his turn sent it back. So now it is time for me to watch the axix play out. I tried to host a live multiplayer game again, but same thing happend. It is asking us both for the allied password?

    What are we doing wrong? Thanks.

  6. I agree with your comments and I am torn between that this is just a game and I want it to be a realistic historical recreation.

    Air units should drive down morale, do some damage and dramatically slow down units, but that is all. Not completely annihilate them. (They pretty much wipe out whole units today but they didn't have smart bombs and night vision back then)

    I hit a transport with 2 upgraded Battleship groups and a cruiser group. All it did was 5 points of damage where in reality one task force would have sunk a transport task force on contact. Unprotected Transports should be destroyed on freaken contact!!!

    If you are making a list, germany should not be allowed sea lion for at least a year after france. Where do they get 10,000 boats to ship 45 german Division to England in a couple of weeks. This is total bull****!

  7. PS- The UK navy is worthless when it comes to attacking tansports. This should be fixed!!! A Battleship group should take out a transport in one shot. I hit the german transport with 2 UPGRADED battleships and upgraded cruiser and it only took 5 out of 11 points off the transport. BS BS BS. 2 points per attack from the BB's and 1 point attack on the cruiser. Yeah, like that would happen with no german navy near by. Then he lands with his full forces in tact and the one damaged 5 point army.

    The rest of my navy was gone due to skirmishes with the German Navy. I took out both their CA's and all three of the Subs but I was obviously beat up by the time of the invasion.

  8. I can't defend against sea lion. He hits me with 3 German and 1 Italian air units and invades with 5 armies, 1 airborne corps and a HQ.

    At this point I have the BEF, 1 corps and 1 HQ and 1 air unit I moved early from Egypt. The first clear weather the German have in 1940 they hit London with all 4 air attacks, then hit the city with 4 army attacks and an airborne attack. It's gone. The Germans have London.

    My air units don't do much good because it is 2 against 4 and it is hard to keep them reinforced and the the UK navy up on such limited MPPs. If you leave a city unoccupied to counter attack his beachhead his airborne corps takes one of your unprotected cities in one turn.

    I am very frustrated. Whats the answer? Move 100% of Egypt assets on turn one to the UK. I am pretty sure that works but historically it makes my stomach turn because I know it is completely and utterly unrealistic (not to mention that Germany had no way to invade England at that time) Ok deep breaths, it's only a game, it's only a game (smile).

  9. I think it is total BS that they can invade for at least a full year after taking france. The Germans had no landing craft and no way to get to England. I am getting my clock cleaned in a game where the german player throws everything at me right after france and I have no found a way of defending against it without completely leaving Egypt and moving 100% of asset back to England. Maybe I am a noob but 4X Airattacks on london and 4 consecutive army attacks take out london in one turn! This is bull****.

  10. Taojah- Thank you. That was the advice I was looking for, not something like "get over it."

    When you say unique ID do you mean just change the file name every time? I'm not sure how that will prevent a reload from their email file? What do you mean?

    How do you make a timestamp and registration key? Can you lay out a step by step guide. I'm sure everyone would benefit from this.

    As for the rest, I would never accuse somebody of cheating unless I had ironclad proof. Just not a cool thing to do. That is why I started this string. To see if there was a way to get that proof or prevent cheating from happening.

    As far as the story goes; it makes you wonder if you are playing somebody and they NEVER accidentally run into your hidden units. No ships, no land units, ever, even if you are setting traps for them. Also, if they are bold enough to run right into unprotected cities you know they can't see. It is risky because as you all know if you try to move onto a protected spot on a hidden unit you take massive damage.

    So, they stop by the edge of a protected city when you have a hidden unit to uncover it 100% of the time, but they run right into it 100% of the time when it is unprotected. Same goes for hidden ships.

    Ok, before I get hate mail. 1. Yes, they could be that skilled 2. Yes, I could be that unskilled 3. Yes, they could be that lucky.

    Got it, save your breath.

    Twice is a coincidence three + times is a suspicious trend. I don't care how many years you been playing this game. Nobody plays flawlessly I don't care who you are.

  11. 1. Why are the killed units so much cheaper when you re-buy them? Are they just as powerful as the first time around (have * by them in buy menu)

    2. Strategic units are extremely expensive. Is it worth building them just to knock off some MPP from the enemy or should I focus on tactical combat units?

    3. I know Free French units have a 20% chance to go to the UK control. If the air unit is in the UK and the ships are in a UK port do they have a greater chance? Seems dumb if they don't.

    4. Do units have a "maintenance expense"? So is it cheaper to kill off ships that have a value of one because you can't afford to reinforce them or is it better to just move them out of the way?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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