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Everything posted by MEYER_1944

  1. Having seen quite alot of videos taken by the Chechens in combat against the Russian's on YOUTUBE I asked myself this question... With the United States overwhelming superiority in weapon quality and quantity, are the Syrians therefore relegated to use guerilla tactics? We have seen the results of the Iraqi's attempt at fighting pitched battles with US forces. So have to think realistically that the Syrians will have to adopt hit and run/ambush tactics to get anywhere, and to avoid slaughter... Sure in urban (built-up areas) they have the advantage of cover (to a certain degree) and many abush points. But I cant see how there can ever be a fair fight unless you create a scenario of a Syrian Battalion attacking a US platoon... I somewhat like the idea (in a chechen theatre game) of being the underdog and taking out Hinds with SAM's etc... But here, what exactly do the Syrians have going for them? What are others thoughts?
  2. As long as it works thats the main thing...
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