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Everything posted by Gewehr_43

  1. Get a better email client. I have 5000 emails in my inbox, dating back to early 2005 and I can find my elicense info in a matter of seconds.
  2. Welcome to the killing fields. This is the Steel Avalanche Soviet campaign mission. Medium difficulty. I knew that a long-range slug fest between my T-34's and the German big cats would be nothing more than a one-sided slaughter, so I decided to try luring them into a killing zone. I basically parked my T-34's on the back side of a hill and waited for the inevitable zerg rush of German tanks. Way out on the flank, I put two SU-122's on a hill in hopes of knocking the tracks off some of the heavier tanks, giving my T34's a better chance against the onslaught. Proving my theory correct, both 122's were KO'ed in minutes while only tracking one tiger. The T34's fared a little better and the results speak for themselves.
  3. What can I say, MeatEtr? I'm a gamer that collects German rifles. Or is it a German rifle collector who also plays video games. Either way, the 3d models for the G41 in RO suck, suck, suck.
  4. Wow. Those models look fantastic. Can't wait to get my hands on this baby. I'm a bit disappointed that my babies never get any love. I never saw them in CMBO or CMBB either. Any chance they'll be out in a later patch?
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