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Everything posted by traemyn

  1. I have only played the demo of this game and want to know some details about the tank armor system. I thought I noticed on the tank pictures on the bottom of the screen a sort of "health bar" for different parts of the tank. Is this simulating physical/structural armor decay as it goes down? Or am I looking at the wrong icon for tank damage? Maybe someone could give me a summary of the armor/damage system, would be very helpful!
  2. @Sammy_Davis_Jnr I agree with most of your points, but you can't expect too much of MP from this game genre (yet). The majority of gamers here do not seem as interested in a detailed MP as the great source of replayability it truely can be. Don't know where that comes from exactly b/c MP can be an amazing thing... far surpassing any SP experience IMO. So I didn't really expect this game to have anything but deathmatch (which is the most 'realistic' gamemode anyways). I believe if done right 4 player deathmatch will be just fine, especially if you can pick different units each game. Would be nice to know a little bit more though :confused:
  3. I think he confused the "no Co-op initially" to mean no MP at all.
  4. He said CO-OP will not initially be in the game.
  5. I am a huge multiplayer person and I have some high hopes for this game's MP even though I know I will enjoy the SP as well. MP is the future! Multiplayer questions: 1. Will we be able to pick which units we fight with before the fight or are there only set- unit scenarios? 2. How will players find games? In-game browser or someother way? 3. Are you able to designate teams for multiplayer? ie 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 1? 3. Can you pick your 'side' regardless of your enemy's side? ie German vs German (yea I know it doesn't make sense but more freedom is better, almost always) 4. Are the end stats of the multiplayer games exported at all? If so, what will this include? 5. Have there been any serious 'shortcuts' or 'gameplay modifications' that have been changed in MP compared to SP? 6. Will MP be supported in patches as much as SP? (please please please) 7. Will the 'pause' function exist in MP? If so, how will it work? 8. How many maps will there be for MP? Thats all I can think of right now. Hope I can get some answers, thanks!
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