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Everything posted by Nelberto

  1. Hubert Many thanks for your reply. I have played on with one of the games in question using the NATO symbol sprites and I am coming around to them. I will though send in to you any future saves which have this problem, as you suggest. Congratulations on making such a great game by the way - I am enjoying it immensely. And thanks for the excellent level of customer service. Cheers, Nelberto
  2. Hello all. Small problem with saved games. Playing as Axis, 1939 campaign, against AI, patched to v1.02. On two occasions my saved games, when re-loaded have been missing 3D sprites. I can still see the bases, but not the tank / plane / soldiers on top. It's not true for all of the units, just about 10% of them - spoils the game though. If I switch to NATO symbols, the sprites are complete, but I'd prefer not to. Anyone else had a similar problem - and any advice on how to resolve it? would be very grateful for any help. Cheers.
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