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Posts posted by Chilibird

  1. I'll be damned! y'all are still playing?

    Geez, I haven't had time to play in ages. I've got me a new computer now, so who knows. I'll have to email clay or something to get my old download back, since I don't have the key anymore. (Or is there a better way of going about it?)

    How often are y'all playing anymore?

  2. Well, I think, before aircraft will see any real effective battlefield use, there needs to be a way to counterbalance against AA. (Given things like the Bacchaus, and the large amount of AA turrets)

    Even up to the last minutes of a map, it is VERY dangerous and hard to fly an areial vehicle anywhere without being shot down by a turret or AA gun.

  3. Originally posted by ClaytoniousRex:

    (And it's easy to see which parts of the code I was working on while not sober).

    Well, I gotta say that, for drunk, the sticky tanks were an impressive feat :D
  4. It's a matter of 'unwrapping' the model, and then exporting the resulting UV map. Not an increibly difficult process in theory, but it can be a pain in practice.

    basically, you select the lines that you want to use as your 'seams' (Aka- where 2 faces will split). Once you think you have enough seams to avoid a jumbled mess, you can press U (I think) and go to 'unwrap'. The resulting texture outline will appear in the UV panel in blender. You can then go to 'export' (or something like that. It seems to keep changing) and export the outline for editing in a photo editor.

    To apply the texture to your model, be sure you have the texture you want (or at least one with the same name. It MUST be the same name) 'imported' into the UV panel, so it shows up in the panel. (You can also view the texture using a render at this point). Export -> Wavefront OBJ -> Include mat. file. (It will be all white otherwise). drop the resulting .obj and .mat files into your mod, and there ya go!

    A little note: If you get your model into DT, and discover you aren't happy with something about the texture (Rendering in Blender occasionally doesn't show some little quark about it), all you have to do is edit it, and replace the old texture with the new one. (Hence the reason I say you should keep the layered version of the image as a backup) Restart DT, and there ya go. As long as it has the same name, it will replace the texture on the model.

    Hope it helps smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Phonan:

    I hear it's really fun to fly around like that. Of course, I only hear, as hardly anyone else plays Viper with me, I've never had the supposedly joyous experience of soaring through the air in near-perfect parabolic flight. If anyone'd be willing to toss me, I'd love to go for a fly.

    Ya free tonight (Aug 10th) or tomorrow (Aug 11th) at all? I move in on Sunday, so DT is out for me after that for a while.

    I'd be more than happy to catapult you over a mountain or two before that, though :D

    I'll be checking this thread fairly often for your answer


  6. I actually began work on a MASSIVE ion beam. (I set it to like... 200 mm diameter. It's big.).

    Has an interesting effect, and if you zoom the camera out, has a very noticable presence when fired, and it's quite easy to figure out where it came from, if you survive it. It will (once done testing) have a recharge time of ~45 seconds, given how much power is involved (And, of course, for balance reasons ;) ).

    At the moment, it's mounted on a Thor IC chassis/turret (As I wanted this to be slow, not quick like most beam weapons, going to reduce armor, though), but I'd like to do something a little more suitable model-wise for it. I have a few ideas, but we'll save that for when it's working.

    However, 2 catches I'm running into.

    1. I set the ablation amounts to insanely high values ( > 200), but it still takes at least 2 shots to destroy a vehicle. (However, it will ALWAYS destroy a vehicle in 3-5 shots, and usually disable (pop a few tires give the size of the beam) wheeled ones with just one) Is that just a code thing? Or do I need to REALLY crank that value?

    2. I set the beam duration to 10 (up from it's normal 2), which I figured would mean the beam lasts for 10 seconds instead of 2. (Partially for 'where the heck did that come from' reasons, partially to portray the power of the beam) However, it continues to last for a shorter time (and definately not 10 seconds). Is that also a code limitation, or is that another value that needs to be rediculously high before I see anything?

    I personally thought that it was possibly tied to the length of the wav file used when it fires, but I'm trying to find something else to test that with. My other thought is that it actually is still 'firing' in the game's mind, but it stopped drawing the beam too early.

    Any thoughts? Suggustions?


  7. Damn. Unless this is gonna be over the US Labor Day weekend, I'll be off at college, and ResLife (I think) has this nasty bit in their agreement about games/bandwidth usage.

    I may have to check that one again, though >: )

  8. Hey all!

    Have we figured out where the EMP effects are? I had an idea for a new weapon.

    An EMP gun. Could either be a projectile, or an Ion weapon. (Ion seems to make more sense, though) When hit, instead of causing damage, it causes the affected internal systems to short out for a time, ala EMP. Can't do any damage, but can stop a vehicle long enough to bring up one that can.

    Could add a new element to CTF games.

    Any thoughts?


  9. I think the 1.0 defines how close it is to it's 'top end'

    If you notice, you'll see the throttle peak at 1.0 at the same time that your vehicle hits its maximum speed. (or close to)

    I personally think it's good, because, especially with a multi-ton steel beast, you aren't nessicarly gonna be able to jump off the get-go like you can in your car.

  10. But for game balance, in that respect, you could easilly drop infantry right over an AA tower, and then press B to drop straight onto it, not worrying about the AA targeting the drop pod.

    I guess that'd be a matter of how long it'd take the tower to aquire and fire at the pod.

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