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Posts posted by Arkel

  1. Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Arkel:

    Aren't you the cool guys, picking on 1C's and BF's pottentially new customers, which will help make this game big and ensure future addons by higher sales. :rolleyes:

    they're definitely new and only potentially customers ;)

    and your theory also implies the game would move towards mass appeal which means we end up with PanzerStrike or Theater of Conquer.

    or somefink.

    Ow july ded ?


    Tendjewberrymud. </font>

  2. Originally posted by gunnersman:

    HA! I love it when Shermans take out "Jap" Carriers. Especially THIS time of year.

    Where'd you get that shot? Is that taken from Pacific Fighters?

    Battlefield 1942, great game, not realistic, but great fun when played online in clan-warfare. I played it alot a few years ago.
  3. Originally posted by von Paulus:

    Are those penetration values correct, and not over-evaluated at close ranges (and under estimated as the range goes beyond 200m ...)

    I compared with CM concerning the first screenshots smile.gif


    PS : I'm too lazy to watch the video ... :D

    I have no idea if they are correct, they are very hard to see in the video.

    I liked the video, I was impressed by the sounds and graphics smile.gif

  4. Ankündigung Gameplay-Video | Mirror-Suche

    Gute Neuigkeiten: Ich habe von 1c die Freigabe bekommen! Nachdem ich noch ein wenig nachgearbeitet habe, wird es heute Abend das Gameplay-Video geben, in dem David Philippov 3 Missionen anspielt und erklärt!

    Da es recht groß und in meinen Augen ziemlich heißes Material ist, könnte es passieren, dass es mein Traffic-Limit und evtl. die Bandbreite sprengt ... Falls es da draußen jemanden gibt, der noch ein paar GB oder TB Traffic zu viel hat und mich ggf. unterstützen will, würde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn er sich meldet ...

    (Die Größe wird zwischen 100 bis 200 MB liegen)


  5. Originally posted by Megakill:

    well i really hope that very-very soon

    yes, changing to realistic ranges took a bit more time than we expected, plus we are now playing around with various levels - what missions to put into the demo, and how many...

    Can't wait :D
  6. Originally posted by C'Rogers:

    Moon, that was far to logical and simple of a reply for these forums.

    Why don't you stick three or four paragraphs in front of it like some of us.

    Its almost like the people with administrator tags want the forum to run smoothly.

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    Curabitur pretium ante sed lacus. Aenean laoreet mi. Proin dictum fringilla quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam quis lectus. Quisque aliquam leo ut mauris. Duis aliquet. Aliquam urna lectus, molestie id, ullamcorper vitae, venenatis sit amet, arcu. Aliquam blandit, neque eget auctor placerat, est arcu scelerisque metus, non rhoncus felis mi id tellus. Nulla enim. Cras vel nisi sit amet nisl viverra pulvinar. Donec lacus odio, tempor quis, feugiat eget, elementum nec, orci. Etiam et libero. Maecenas ullamcorper arcu quis leo.

    Curabitur condimentum tincidunt risus. Cras sagittis sem sed tortor. Integer congue, orci eu vehicula suscipit, elit lacus vehicula lorem, a nonummy pede felis ut lorem. Aliquam urna justo, rutrum a, interdum non, eleifend id, massa. Nam augue est, aliquam pellentesque, euismod nec, rutrum quis, massa. Suspendisse ut velit vel lectus tristique tincidunt. Aenean at purus eget enim dignissim accumsan. Etiam dapibus. Phasellus tincidunt elit at nisl. Mauris ullamcorper. Maecenas nec mi sit amet nisi adipiscing egestas.

    Nullam faucibus dui a elit. Maecenas iaculis cursus neque. Suspendisse vestibulum. Curabitur vitae velit et augue semper tincidunt. Morbi lectus. Nam luctus euismod velit. Nunc ut libero. Quisque facilisis venenatis odio. Fusce at magna ut sem sagittis porttitor. Aenean dolor. Sed posuere.

    In Short, you could be right

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