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Posts posted by syaped

  1. Hope this hasn't been asked yet. Will you be able to order different units to all move at the same speed? It's so annoying in some games when you try a large offensive and the faster (and usually weaker) units speed ahead to be caught alone and destroyed.

  2. People rant and whine about realism and historical accuracy but won't play the game unless it's turn-based or has pauses? How many WW2 commanders could pause the world and take a birds eye view to get their bearings? tongue.gif

    I'm not sure how the pause works but I'd think it lets you issue and stack commands. This is as good turnbased or 60 second phases because you can pause and take as many turns as you like! :D

    I think a pause for multiplayer, unless severly limted, would be a big mistake. It'd get annoying fast having the game contantly interuppted by your opponents pauses, especially if there a four players.

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