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Sgt.Rock of Easy Company

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Posts posted by Sgt.Rock of Easy Company

  1. I think the reason multiplayer is such a low key element of CMSF right now is because it is harder than it should be to get a game set up. Unless you have friends or clanmates that play as well, getting a multi-player game running is near impossible.

    What Combat Mission needs is a server browser capability, like most FPS's (and TOW). I think the amount of people who play CM multiplayer would skyrocket, as well as garnering more sales from MP centric wargamers.

    You could even go as far as have a join-in-progress ability for servers, for missions that have reinforcements that show up (if the option was set at the start of the server).

  2. What we need are decals, especially on vehicles. They're not very graphic intensive but add so much to the experience when surveying the battlefield. Even something like TOW's decal system, only tracking penetrations on vehicles and some ricochet's, would make the CM experience that much more fun. Being able to see the whole in the side of a sherman put there by your Tiger would be an amazing feeling.

    Also, we need more robust tracer modelling. Right now they're like pencil thin laser beam's and very long. We need something more realistic, with more volume. VBS 2 does a good job in their modelling of tracers.

    (can't find the VBS 2 tech demo, but these will do).


    And about the explosion special effects; why does there need to be physics involved? I'm sure however you calculate the explosions work just fine, but why can't yall add a few more partical emitters and make them look more volumetric? Or adjust the emitters so its a quick, violent explosion followed by a large kickup of smoke and dust?


    Also, small arms against vehicles need to be less like little explosions and more like sparks (like the TOW bullet/shell hits).

    Also, bring back the sparks from CMBB tank hits. But now apply it across the board. Put it into bombs, small arms against vehicles, tank burn-off, large calibre hits on vehicles (or metal), etc. I loved the sparks in CMBB and I think they would bring just that much more into the game.

  3. With Combat Mission constantly striving forward (both gameplay wise and graphically [nice job on the new airbursts]), there are a few features that I don't want left behind.

    Most importantly would be decals. Basically textures indicating where bullets (or high velocity projectiles) have hit objects. This would give indication to the intesity of a firefight or show knockout hits on vehicles (think TOW tank combat). It would be jaw dropping to look around at buildings shot up and vehicles with multiple holes in them. It would be an addition that shouldn't tax computers (TF2 can handle 4092 decals with out a drop in fps) but add so much to the immersiveness.

    Secondly, it would be nice to see model damage to vehicles, other than catching fire. At the very least, could we at least get an alpha texture applied to tracks or wheels when they are blown or rendered useless? A little more complex, it would be nice to see things blown off of the vehicles (think TOW again). Skirts and wheels blown off, tracks thrown and unraveled, lights and sensitive equipment shattered or torn off. It was great when we found out the vehicles would be relatively unique, each tank having somethig slightly different from the other, but it would be just as nice to not see a bunch of KO'd vehicles burning the exact same way.

    While it would be nice for this stuff to be in CMSF, I'm really looking at the WW2 module's for this. The combat is slower and it would really suck in the player. We were blindsided with the dynamic lighting update, so maybe something will hit use while we're looking the other way ;)

  4. Well, they're a little oversized to keep the resolution up. As for the numbers, yes, theyre in order except one. It goes: 219, 215, 220-228, 230, 229. A few were just a little mixed up in the back before I threw together a final copy for the pdf.

    Other than that, the errata seems to be just a bunch of mished-mashed corrected graphs and a few pages on various corrected(or additions) topics. Ill check again and make sure everythings where is supposed to be, but if so, thats the errata.

  5. Originally posted by LongLeftFlank:

    And now we can reskin Red Uncons as good-ol-boy American survivalists fighting to preserve their Second Amendment rights and the purity of their precious bodily fluids against the One World UN Zionist Occupation Government oppressors.

    Let me cue up some Hank Jr. and gin up a GMC mod of the Toyota (complete with silver bikini girl mudflaps) at once! Hell, boy! we already have flannel shirts and the General Lee Hummer mods.

    I'd hit it.
  6. Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    Vietnam War module? Who would feel nostalgic about that conflict that America lost?

    I don't ever remember losing this war. In fact, I remember that we were beating the living daylights out of them, but in accordence to public outcry, we decided that it wasn't worth our time to keep beating up on them, so we left them to the South vietnamese, whom then promptly lost the war.

    So basically, we just quit fighting and left.

  7. Well, I had been over there in the CMx1 forums already, just looking at all the old threads on the accuracy of the game and performance of the gear represented (they're pretty interesting), Rexford is indeed what he went by.

    But the problem is, not only are there virtually no vendor's of this book, I believe Lorrin passed away (thats what I last heard), though I shot him an email anyways.

    IPE- ack, I havent checked the archives, I'll see what that turns up.

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