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Posts posted by david12345

  1. Playing one of the beta testers. Hoping that with the new patch, that China is no longer toast. We thought it might be interesting. In our last pre-patch game, China fell quite early.

    Turn 1 axis: without motorization my Japanese unable to take Foochow, which usually happened on the first turn. I put a chit into motorization. Poland falls.

    Allied response in China very aggressive, almost kill a Japanese Army (2 strength). I must be careful, that would have hurt.

    Turn 2 axis: Foochow falls. Germans begin to head west. Japanese put another chit into motorization and 2 in inf. weapons. Gonna do my best to still take out China.

  2. Ok so I'm playing against the AI at the moment and it's mid 1942 and I'm still slugging it out (as Axis against China). I just took Sian and Chungking but that fort at the top is still holding out... what's the secret to taking out china by 1941? You still have to invest in research and sea, naval landing units etc. to battle the U.S. and take over Indonesia later on?

    Are many of you doing the hit with one unit then move the unit away and then move another unit into that space and attack (which I think is kind of gamey)?

    i'm no expert, but here are a couple tips.

    put 2 chits in inf weapons right away, sell one back when it hits. this is crucial. upgradeall sf (special force) and armies when you get it.

    build all your sf, send them to china

    build garrisons and corps to cover manchuria and free up those units.

    upgrade all armies and sf to motorization.

    leave the forts alone, you don't need to take them.

    i take the northern route.

    try to allow the units with the most exp to get the finishing kills, thus giving them more exp.

    use weak units and air to unentrench the chinese before attacking with your experianced units.

    long range air level 2 helps

    if you think it will be a long battle, a bomber or two to pound the chinese resources can be worth the money.

    if you see the chinese have inf weapons, park units next to all his to keep him from upgrading

    this may sound like it is ignoring the USA, but if you do it right, you will take out china, get a bunch of money, and all those units will have a bunch of experiance when they meet the allies.

    hope this helps.

  3. I got china about to surrender in another game. Don't see how people can defend the reality that China will surrender every time against equal opponents if the Japanese player pushes. What's more, the Japanese emerge with a bunch of highly experienced units and go romping through India or Russia (most likely both). Ok, we don't want to be tied down to what happened historically, but come on, who here thinks that is realistic?

    Look at the available army/SF builds for Japan, way out of proportion when compared with a country like Germany that had a vastly larger army.

    For those of you who say it is a choice to invest heavily in China, I would say that unless you just messing around, any other avenue is so much less efficient as to be relegated to experimental strategies.

    If I take out china, I have removed a major enemy that is right on my doorstep, opened eastern Russia to attack by highly experienced units, etc. Why do anything else? The money you spend on one carrier can equip several armies - not a good tradeoff. That's why the game has scripted fleet units, because they are such an inefficient expenditure.

    I have a mirror game going with the house rule that Japanese cannot build units with motorization or upgrade existing units with motorization. This gives them a few units to keep them dangerous, but we hope it will keep them from running wild.

  4. There is no set date. They will move closer to joining when axis do things that upset them. Example, declare war on Sweden, USSR rediness goes up. When they reach 100% rediness, they join. Also, as rediness goes up, their income will go up as well. As you do things that affect rediness, you will get pop ups. Example: Germans invade Sweden, you should get a pop up like(for example) Stalin upset at German invasion of Sweden. You can check rediness of the coutries to keep an eye on them.

    Don't forget diplomacy can change this as well. One thing I often do is use diplomacy to get Spain to join the war on German side.

    The USA and USSR can never go axis. And eventually their turn by turn default rediness increases move up more and more, so I think it is just about impossible to keep them out forever.

    Note that other countries follow similar rules. Example, cause enough problems and you can get minors to join as your actions up thier rediness. Many minors can go either way.

    Hope this helps,


  5. Awen has a point, I have seen Chinese units get tons of experiance and turn into monster units, but that is only if the japanese is making low odds attacks turn after turn. However, as for japan attacking russia being laughable, I disagree strongly. The highly experianced japanese can create considerable problems for russia, which, by the way, I believe is closer to being under powered than over powered.

    I think more money might be a good idea for China. Many turns all my money goes straight into reinforcing the same units and I can never build.

  6. Thanks for the input, Hubert.

    Although I like forced march on paper, I do believe it is the death of China.

    If you google Japanese high water mark in China, or just load one of the other scenarios that start during the war, you can see the Japanese did not get very far at all. It seems that the Japanese are capbable of fielding a hugh army in Global. Maybe a reduction of builds is advisable.

    @Catacol. I think with the benefits and ease of taking out China, the Japanese are much better off going with that strategy over India, etc.

    The major boost in economy and threat to Russia once they fall is a border line game breaker.

    Any help appreciated.

  7. With the addition of forced march and retreats, it seems China has no hope. I have 4 games going with the patch, and in only one are the Chinese not already broken. And all of my games are in early to mid 1940.

    If a Japanese player pushes hard, builds armies, and puts a couple of chits into infantry weapons, I don't see any way the Chinese can stand. I predict that China will fall in every one of the games I have against equal opponents.

    I have gotten the argument that China must fall or at least be severely pushed back for the Japanese to be competitive in the game. Well if the game MUST go the opposite of history just to work, then something is wrong.

    Perhaps if the Japanese started without motorization, or maybe China had more scripted troop arrivals this could be fixed?

    Curious what others think. I will bet that China is getting slaughtered in the vast majority of games being played...

  8. Thanks, game quite interesting. nice to play a scenario where i have no idea what is going to happen. Things like italy moving capital to sicily and france to casablanca were unexpected and slowing progress.

    would like to know about the sub thing, however.

    also noticed it seems like brit and french carriers only have one airstrike??

  9. Herbert,

    Just ran the new patch for Gold. After running the patch, when I try to start it, i get the following:

    cant' start zlib1.dll missing reinstall program.

    problem is, i recently got a new computer. I could not get gold to unlicense on the old one before i reformatted it, so i just installed my second copy (of 3 if I remember).

    So I went to unlicense gold on on the new computer: can't find the link to do it in the progams, and when i click elicense in control panel, it says no programs associated. so now, i can't unlicence this one either.

    Can I reinstall over the one I have now? If I reinstall again, I will be out, correct?

    thanx for any advice. was looking forward to playing, been waiting for the patch because I had the save replay error ruining the game and so haven't even played!


  10. Hello, just starting Gold, looks like a nice upgrade.

    1. Is there any way to go back to the way regular global highlights the whole unit to show HQ attachment? It seems that the new way only highlights the bottom of the unit, which is not nearly as good.

    2. I have a game with regular global 1.6 multiplayer going. I have Gold installed, and they both seem to work fine, I've been told that Gold won't work with 1.6 only installed, what is going on? Can I start a Gold multiplayer and keep my 1.6 that is still working fine for my old games?

    4. How do units switch places, I can't get it to work.

    5. Recon seems like a great addition, but having trouble figuring it out. Seems you can click on a square and recon it, but what if you don't want to attack the square (just recon)? What if you have a carrier and it can reach the square? How can you recon it without moving there?

    6. Research Bar a great idea, can it be viewed to see progress?

    7. it appears that Italy has lost alternate capital, true? (hope so)

    8. The manual seems to be for the regular game as there are many things that have changed (like color of national units, etc.). I read the expansion notes, is that all the changes? For example, are there explanations for added decisions somewhere?

    Thanks much!


  11. In my game, I just used a bomber to attack an enemy (2 strikes). The attack was intercepted. A nearby carrier in a port automatically escorted both bomber strikes. After the attack, I clicked on the carrier and I was able to repair the air capacity back to full strength. Should this be possible in the same turn? I'm thinking it's a bug.

    Herbert, I saved the file, in case you want it.

  12. The beta has just ended, and the game is on sale, so they have lifted all the restrictions on talking about the game.

    First of all, no objectives like exiting the map.

    If you liked the original PG, you will like this game, it is a virtual clone with updated graphics. I was hoping for a bunch of totally new scenarios, but most of them look just like updated PG scenarios.

    Most of my play was on the offensive in the campaign game, and I didn't experiance what you are describing, don't remember that being a problem with the original PG either. I played very little PGF, but I did notice that it was much harder than the original game.

    I hope they have add ons, as it is, even though I have been offered a nice discount, I don't think I will get the game. Not that it it bad, but I played the origional game to death, and during the beta, I played this one all the way through several times, so I'm pretty much PG'd to death now. Although I would recommend the game to new players, it is SO much like the old one that it wore out quickly for me.

    They made one error that I argued against, but they kept with it. Artillery is way overpowered and tac air is way underpowered. Although it works because the game has been balanced to work that way, it really detracted from the game for me. 1/2 my core army was artillery, and I had only 1 tac air (I started with it, and it never died) in my last campaign game. Bad choice in my opinion. But that is my only real beef with a mostly good game. Not sure if they have a demo, if so, you should try it.

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