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Posts posted by BioWizard

  1. TaoJah, game balancing issues should of course be always treated having in mind the human vs human gameplay because, in an ideal world, the AI would be as good as an experienced Human. The AI could always be tweaked or more difficulty options (such as the experience bonus) added afterward.

    I also feel right now that the Allies have more chances to win right now unless you can master the "Make surrender 7 countries all at once" technique recently revealed.

  2. weedd, you are really supposed to win that game if you play good... Attacking Russia in 1940, around 20 to 30 turns before the classic 1941 attack, boosts the Russian readiness from 25 to 100% (i.e. goes from 80 MPPs per turn to more then 400!!!) and gives them something like 4000MPPs that they would not have get otherwise! Invest in industrial tech, boost the English convoy to 40%, buy all the corps available, entrench them in cities, boost infantry technology, hide behind rivers with the highest supply possible and do not counter-attack for probably the next year or two. Be patient and wait till you have a lot of troops supported by HQs and deep in Russia (low supply for axis forces).

    In the mean time, you might want to consider keeping France since all those German troops are busy trying foolishly to make up for the fact that they woke up the Big Russian Bear too soon! ;)

  3. The way I understand it, HQs can only be at supply 5, 8 or 10, depending if they are out of supply, in range of a level 5 ressource or a level 10 ressource respectively. In a PBEM I have as Axis with version 1.04, I see one of my HQ North of Sebastopol at supply 6 :confused: when i click him, without having moved any unit. Is there something I misunderstand or there is a problem here?

  4. Originally posted by Iron Ranger:

    Side note: how do we post screen shots. That would add a interesting part of post AAR reads.

    If you know very little about how the net works, just like me, you must ask someone nice to host it for you (n0kn0k: thanks again!) somewhere on the net and enter the URL after clicking "image" while posting. You can capture screenshots using a freeware such as the one found at http://www.etrusoft.com/
  5. In french, there is an expression that is most appropriate to this post: "An image is worth a thousand words". And now with n0kn0k kindly hosting images, forget about coordinates and see!

    I have framed in red the tiles where partisans can appear and put German corps at the right place to provide "zone of control" over these tiles.

    So, minimum number for preventing partisans at Leningrad:2


    while garrisonning Leningrad: 3


    Minimum for covering Minsk/Kiev area :3

    while leaving Kiev empty


    while leaving Minsk empty


    and the safer 4 units garrisoning the two cities option:


    That's it! No more partisans in Russia! :cool:

  6. Well, I don't have 1000 posts and did not post during the SC1 era. Nevertheless, I think most of the changes we saw from the updates comes from Hubert reading our posts. Also, once a thing is said (like this HQ should have a higher rating then this other one, rockets sucks, I hate diplomacy and others) it is said and conflicting opinions on those subjects leaves us to status quo till a new inovative idea is brought forward. I think, for my part, that i should post only when i have such ideas and that ideas vaguely regarding SC2, altough bringing more posts in the forum, does not help the common user reading this forum trying to learn how to better his playing SC2.

    p.s. Total SC1 posts: 55963

    p.p.s. Total SC2 posts: 32514 and counting... not bad for less then a year!

  7. A little update guys... I won!!! :D

    It is possible for Allies to win even if Great Britain falls! I must say this was the game I had the most fun playing yet. Very different from all the other multiplayer games i played so far.

    So, a very short AAR to those of you who are interested:

    I already described how the Axis took both Egypt and Great Britain along with every other minor except Turkey (Pfeiffer and I had agreed that no one could DOW Turkey and diplo was stalled there with USA having invested 5 chits, completely blocking the axis efforts there, in version 1.02). For doing an early Sea Lion, Pfeiffer left Russia alone and, with the 1000 Mpps research limit from version 1.02, Russia took the lead in tech and kept air superiority over its territory. It managed to take back Finland, Iran and Irak (with its Mpps going to no one). In the mean time, USA had landed in Ireland and posted there 5 high tech planes with Bradley. From there, they kept axis airplanes away and chased the axis HQ posted in England. From 1943 to 1945, they bombed the axis boats coming too close and an army posted in Manchester, gaining experience. USA also launched in 1943, a second D-Day in Algeria, not enough room in Ireland, England too dangerous and Axis supply in Europe too high. In 1944 (it is so rare to play games that long...), techs were so high, that USA had reached maximum levels in all categories except sub, anti-sub and anti-aircraft and had bought all armiers, corps, HQ, aircrafts, bombers and tanks available. From 1943 to 1945, Russia chased Germans away from Stalingrad and recovered slowly all of its territory.

    Pfeiffer captured an image of the 2 huge facing armies on the Eastern front not yet daring to face each other on the Battleground. I did too, and with my level 4 long range aircraft, it is quite impressive (more then 70 units!!!). If someone could teach me how to post this image, i would greatly appreciate...

    So, since he was loosing one unit per turn of my choosing with my air attacks, he launched a full frontal attack. The counter-attack was deadly and he finally surrendered 2 turns later because he could not fight 3 fronts at once, with England soon becoming a new air platform and italy being threathened from Syria and the former North african italian cities now under US control by Patton (this will make Rambo happy ;) ) and Eisenhower with, 5 armies, 2 tanks and 3 heavy bombers.

    p.s. from Terif's Panzerliga's course on SC 2 : "so England now can decide if they either want to keep their island or prefer to emigrate to Africa and hold the positions there. As long as their fleet with air reconnaissance is positioned right, they now should be able to defend at least one of them. The art of war here is logically not to equally spread the defenders out, so Axis can conquer both...that would most certainly mean end of war and game-over with UK surrendered ;)."

    p.p.s. not that "most certainly"... :D

  8. 1) When I can intercept an ennemy air strike and many of my planes can do the job, which one of them is selected for doing the job and why?

    i.e. I had a level 6 low readiness plane intercept an airstrike while 2 level 9 planes closer to the target sit still. I know i could have selected the "ground" option on this level 6 plane before the end of the preceding turn but am still learning.

    2) I recently learned that operating a unit lowers its readiness/morale, even if moving in a higher supply zone. I can understand the reason but do you guys know how this loss is calculated? A fixed %, a fixed number, something else i don't understand?

    3) During a PBEM versus Zeke Tucker, i was able to guess the presence one of his sub by just seeing my ships, comfortably sitting in Scapa Flow, turn their orientation without moving from West to East without ever actually seeing his sub moving. Is this a bug that gives hints of naval movement where you should not?

  9. Againt a human player, most of them counter it with English diplo and, contrary to what you say, they have the money. Maybe with version 1.03/1.04, the new way to calculate diplomatic results by adding the percentage of Italy will for sure finally give Spain to Axis on the very long term to a very determined player but this will need more then 500 MPPs from Axis to the effort.

    For my part, I prefer, as Allies, to pressure USA then prevent Spain. It is only 25 mpps more per chits and USA is worth a lot more then Spain and you can have them join this way in 1941!!!

  10. This would be a great change! I see no reason why the central English governement would move to Egypt. People in Egypt are of arabic origins and mostly muslims. Also, egyptians fought the English out of their country after retaking the Suez canal some time after WW2. Finally, most people in Canada are of english descent and are christians. Moreover, even to this day, canadians who want to do certain jobs such as being in the military, have to swear an oath of fealthy to the English royalty.

    Finally, the game designers probably chose Egypt as an alternative capital to give English a strong foothold on the main continent for game purposes, but we really have to realise that this has no historic/realism basis.

  11. @ everyone sor far,

    thanks for all your comments. smile.gif

    May i just add that, if Pfeiffer's suggestion to give Irak to USA (ironic isn't it?) is agreed upon (still think USA-Russia's political differences at that moment would not have allowed that!!!), there should at least be a way to US troops to reach that part of the world. Maybe there should be, as i once read from someone else on this forum, red arrows in the water (forgot their names) south of Irak to reach its port by going around Cap Horn. Going West (as it is right now) or East of the arabian peninsula is not much difference in terms of distance nor time travelled.

  12. I am finishing a version 1.02 game right now against Pfeiffer, ranked number one on Panzerliga and in my opinion a very strong player, and he managed to take an abandonned Egypt and, putting all his efforts on air superiority including bombing the Manchester port and getting Ireland with no diplomatic consequence over USA (I still don't understand why Hubert did not change that in version 1.03 and did not state his opinion over that) as an air base, he forced England to capitulation on november 1941, 2 weeks after Russia joined, having reached 100% activation from the slow percentage per turn starting in 1941. Terif says on his "multiplayer guide for V1.03" that this means practically Game Over for the Axis. But, in order to learn some more, become number one myself in the league or maybe just to prove wrong the master himself (don’t know if that is possible), i decided not to give up. It is now december 1943 and I’m still holding out and doing pretty good. When I saw England fall, I made sure to plan for a very long game! Right now, both Russia and USA are industrial, production and intelligence levels 5 and airplanes level 4. Intelligence to keep my advance on tech, industrial and production to out-balance his economy and airplanes to prevent his air superiority.

    So, here are my problems:

    -With England surrendered, Canada’s whole production goes to waste. There are no way canadians would have stopped their war effort historically. Just to show the canadians resolve into the war: Some time ago, some top secret canadian defence plans were released to the public and we learned that, if Germans were ever to land in St-John, New-Founland, or Halifax (one city or both, i don't remember...) there was a very detailed plan on how to burn down the whole city to dust with crude oil... A beginning of scorched earth policy on canadian territory!

    -USA’s heroic move to land in Ireland and recapture Dublin (I reached amphib level 5), to have a future operation platform to Europe, made that country become English land and their money also goes to waste!

    -Russia’s grand maneuver from Iran to take Irak back and then Syria just prevented Axis from having access to these ressources as these countries also turned british. Worst than that, these countries don’t provide supply to russian troops. It is normal to render England and USA’s supply sources non-cooperative to russian’s one and vice-versa if we don’t want to have these armies join and fight together, for political and historical reasons. BUT, I DON’T SEE WHY SYRIANS AND IRAKIS WOULD NOT GIVE SUPPLY TO AN ARMY KIND ENOUGH TO KICK OUT OF THEIR COUNTRY AN INVADER WHO PLUNDERED THEIR RESSOURCES. Or, once England is no more, why would Stalin hesitate in plundering Irak for himself just as an Axis player can do? In any case, I find it weird that the russian army can never reach Egypt (even with all techs maxed out, and I’m slowly reaching that) and therefore revive England,

    So, here are my solutions:

    -If England has capitulated, minors originally under the british influence, once recaptured by USA or Russia should be under their influence for the time being or at the very least, if they stay british, provide some supply to the russian liberators.

    I read the changes in patch 1.03 and I don’t think any changes affects this.

    p.s. It is very frustrating. I play well, kick the axis out of many countries but with no immediate positive consequence… :mad:

    p.p.s. I learned it the hard way that Syria turns back to being English! Aren’t they supposed to be French? Why English if they are not even in the fight? In the same turn, I sent three level 3 Russian armies and a level 4 tank against its capital and took it! It then turned red for a moment and I could operate 2 more level 4 airplanes right beside and moved closer an HQ that was supply 10 from the very limit of the supplying range of Teheran. The turn later, the capital transformed back into an English non-cooperative supply source, my HQ fell at supply 5 only and many of my troops got slaughtered from the counter-attack. THIS IS A BUG! If Syria is supposed to turn into a non-cooperative supply source, it should not have let me operate some units in. This whole thing seen afterwards looks to me as a perfect trap, where I was lured into a high supply zone and then left to die of hunger the turn after. :( It has to change, one way or the other. No operating possible or supplying russians when England is down.

  13. Liam, you're right about friendly HQs of different nations. They already provide supply to any friendly unit beside them. No attachment boosting readiness/morale though, even between minors... (Iron Ranger tested that using Hotseat).

    The tech for minors issue is a classic discussion. I don't know if someone has any definitive better solution then what the game is already offering: no tech for minors.

    Maybe it was designed this way to represent their lower fighting capacity because they lacked the motivation/patriotism/historical role of the units from the 6 major forces?

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