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Posts posted by saur_kraut

  1. The impact of weather in SC-PT is huge. A much bigger impact IMHO than any of the other SC games. In my first try at the full campaign I had air units in India, Burma, and China that were largely useless because I couldn't get them off the ground. How long is the monsoon season anyway? I'm wondering what other players experiences have been and if there are any tips to getting the most bang for your air-unit-buck. I eventually moved my Indian bomber to NE Australia to help defend my buildup there and try and damage any IJN shipping I spotted. It saw much more action there. It would also be great to have some kind of weather forecast in the game. Not sure how it would be modeled but it would be nice to know what my chances are each month for clear weather in different areas.

    Loving this game!

    I agree, seems like it rained most of the year near Burma. AF totally useless! The only few dry days seemed to favor the AI... :P

  2. Originally posted by Joe98:

    I am asking whether I can play the demo, with the view set the same as in the screen shots mentoned above.

    In a separate question, can you play the full campaign in that view?


    Sorry Joe, I misunderstood your question. I assumed you were talking about the individual battle scenarios which provide a different view/angle versus the grand campaign... (Like different units and fortifications)... My bad! (never looked at the screenshots that you referenced) Ooops! tongue.gif
  3. Don't get to discouraged Kuni, it will show up, mine showed up quite a bit later than the early birds... Plus, it will take you quite a while to download... The pipes are full! If you live on the east coast like me, you won't get a chance to play tonight unless you burn the midnight oil and call in sick at work tomorrow... :D

    :eek: Holy Cow! It's dropped to 8.5 kb/sec :(

    [ April 12, 2006, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: saur_kraut ]

  4. I agree with the 2 posters - I eventualy found the button labels, but why are they not beside the buttong? Why are the buttons so bl**dy small? Why can't the map zoom?? (And I'm on 1200x1000 or so which is as much as my card allowed me to be), why doesn't a click on the world map take me to that point in the detail map?
    I have no problem with the button description on the top bar. Small buttons, well, I don't have a problem there either, maybe cause I'm running the game on a 24" monitor... :D Maybe crank your resolution back down to 1024x768? Just curious, why do you need to zoom? :confused: I click on the world map at the bottom and it does take me to the point on the detail map... ;)

    I'm not trying to start a debate war, you guys just seem a little picky that's all... tongue.gif Peace!

    [ April 05, 2006, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: saur_kraut ]

  5. Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

    If we are all in agreement.

    Delay the release.

    Bah! :mad: No need to delay any further. Future PATCHES will get things to your liking and improve the game... Get this thing out to the public so we can give it a good workover... :D Let's face it, there's going to be bugs and gameplay issues that need addressing (that's normal)... They said 4-6 weeks and I expect them to honor that... :eek:

    [ March 28, 2006, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: saur_kraut ]

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